Chapter 9: Everything Back

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*German empire's prestective*
Well, finally Austria Hungary was back from the hospital. We teled everything what he missed at these days. About new friends, France has been bullied, and about we are in the United High. And later we added Spain, Portugal and Canada at the messenger group.
*GeniousBoi has been added: Shanish empire, Kingdom of Portugal and Canadian Economy*
MapleBoyfriend(Canada) :G'day mates!
TangoKing(Spain) :Hola.
LittleTeamate(Portugal) :Wassup?
GeniousBoi(G.E) :nothing, i'm just boreddd. You guys?
Kebabfan(O.E) :well, i stuck with some baddie boys in the detention, and somehow with France
KindFlower(K.B) :rlly? Well she now didn't bully us today
BlindBoi(A.H) :Whoa. Good to hear! Btw, Portugal is why have been added to this group?
GeniusBoi: Well my little austria, because she's not friend with france, and she wanted to be friends with us. Right?
LittleTeamate: Yup! That's right! Anyways, wanna do an sleepover at Friday?
Everybody: ofc!
Well, we are going to hang out at Portugal's house. It will be awesome! And plus, now with Austria-Hungary! But with more people. The next day (btw it's Wednesday) France has been sitted at the classrooms Corner. Maybe she's depressed about the Portugal incident, or anything else. At the class we are now the most largest friend group. The 2nd place is the "Axis Powers". And the 3rd place "Revolution Gang".

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