Chapter one

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Disclaimer: Please read the story description, litteraly nothing makes sense without it.

July 1346

The bustling of the market was
always one of your favorite things. Admittedly the screaming baby somewhere in the crowd was annoying, the smells of do many different sweaty, unwashed bodies was definitely overwhelming and the people in a hurry pushing you from side to side trying to get to their
destination in the fastest way possible was absolutely on the list of things you didn't enjoy very much, but still.
The market always felt like the most happy, hectic and exciting place in all of Paris.

Everything considered you enjoyed it here. It felt like home.

You had spend a few hours already, collecting a some rarer herbs for your little shop and a few things for you to eat.

After finding an end to your successfull hunt for lavender (which was fairly hard to get by so far into the city) you decided your last stop of the day to be a little bread stand of an old friend.

You absent mindedly greeted the old lady, Camille, that always left you a fresh bread under her counter for you.

"That would be 30 franc" Camille smiled.
You smiled at her and gave her 40 franc trying to make smalltalk to distract her from the money you were trying to give her.

"How are the grandchildren?"
"Oh they're doing fine for themselves. Pierre's youngest, Antoine started getting better a few days ago. His cold is almost gone." She smiled back at you trying to give you back the 10 franc just as subtly as you had tried to give them to her.

"You can keep them you know?" You tried persuading her to take the extra money you knew she could use.
She snickerd and shook her head.

"You say that every week (Y/N), won't you ever give up?"

"Not until you take it one day" you smiled brightly at her, still taking the money because you knew from experience how sneaky the old lady could be for her 39 years. You were sure she could and would have baked the coins into your next bread if you hadnt.

You stepped a few steps away from her stand turning around to wave and shout Camille a goodbye over the hustling of the market, when your back hit a hard surface.

After a few seconds that it took you to realize that you couldn't have ran into a wall because you stood in the middle of the street, you swerved around immediately trying to apologize to the person you must've walked into. Upon looking into their chest for a few seconds you actually considered if this wasn't actually really was a wall instead.

They stood as unmoving as one, completely dressed in a black robe, their hood hiding their face in shadows. You stumbled back a few steps, looking up and feeling your face getting hotter by the minute.

"I'm-I'm sorry?" You managed to squeak out for some reason both frightend and entranced by the tall man in front of you.

He stared at you for a few more seconds before grumbling something unintelligible and continuing on his way.

Confused and a bit distraught you waved Camille goodbye and made your way to your old, dusty workshop.


The days had always been long in your little store. But today seemed like the most boring one of them all. You had brought the small workshop with adjacent living space over a few decades ago when the Paris around you still was a cheap place to live in.

'It does have an advantage to be immortal every now and then.' You thought to yourself, while boredom forced you into braiding yet another few of the twigs of your dried lavender into a small bundle.

The store was usually so empty and unnoticed next to the perfume shops and dressmakers ,that the bell of your door ringing startled you to the point where you dropped the dried lavender onto the dusty floor you had procrastinated to sweep for a few weeks.

Trying not to curse in front of one of your few customers you bend down and tried to pick the lavender without breaking the fragile flowers while trying to greet the customer.

"Welcome to...uh, to (Y/N)'s Workshop of the occult." You got up from behind the counter trying to not throw some of the other things messily strewn across the counter onto the floor. Glancing up, looking just as confused as you stood the tall man from the market.

"Oh." ,both of you just stared at each other for a few seconds. His face was visible now. He was quite handsome in your eyes, a sharp jawline, dark eyes and dark curly hair. He examined you with the same hair-raising stare he had at the market.
The uncomfortable silence was getting to much for you so you tried to make conversation.

"I'm uh (Y/N) by the way." You tried.

He stared at you for a few more moments, the deja vu from the market practically hitting you in the face. He cleared his throat and then in a low tenor voice he told you.

"You can call me Doctor."

His voice was nice. Calm. Smooth. You liked him a bit more immediately.

"So what would a young lad like you do in the most spine chilling store in Paris?"You chuckled a bit. "I hear the little children nowadays call me a necromancer." at the last part and you could have sworn you saw his lips twitch a bit from his otherwise stoic face. Then he looked you in the eyes for the first time since he entered.

"I heard you foretell others their future."

Please tell me if it sucked, if you find continuity, historical or grammatical errors, I'm very thankful for help.

I also hoped you enjoyed the first chapter and I sincerely hope you didn't have to cringe too much.

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