40. Issues Before Holiday

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Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they stepped off the train at the end of the school year, all hoping that nothing was going to go wrong when they started back in September.

Wishful thinking, foolish hope

Harry was following Draco to his parents as Severus and Tom had to finish grading, cleaning up the classrooms as well as stupid paper work that Tom hated as he also had to send everything to the board to be reviewed for the yearly budget of the school, he didn't mind doing it but he kept finding paper work from years back that Dumbles never put through!

The old coot was a menace!

Back with Harry, Pansy was clinging on Draco no matter how hard he tried to get away from the girl she wouldn't listen to him about being gay and that he was was Harry but she kept saying that it was all in his head and that he didn't love the once Potter brat as she had dubbed Harry.

This made the group of friends angry at her and once or maybe twice or it could of been more the girl had gotten hexed and it just wasn't from their house it had been from the other's as well, meaning that slowly but surely the houses were joining together as it was meant to be, Hogwarts students we never meant to be separated like they are now.

The students were meant to be as one, the Founders had no idea when or where the houses got split and where the house rivalries started but they were going to make it stop now!

"Oh Drakey Poo remember you said you'll come and stay at mine, you don't need Potter here" said Pansy as she pushed Harry out of the way only to be caught by the terror twins that were Fred and George.

"Careful there...."

"...Hads we..."

"...don't want..."

"...you getting..."

"hurt" said the twins as they went back and forth in their normal way of speaking making Harry nod as he was still holding a tiny sleeping Otiz.

They brought Harry over to the Malfoy's and Narcissa hugged him close after what she had seen she needed to make sure Harry was ok normally he would be talking his head off even if it was quietly but this time he hadn't muttered a word on the train only nodded and Narcissa knew something was up with her godson and only noticed Pansy was glued to her son when Lucius finally spoke.

"Miss Parkinson please remove your hands from my son and heir, he doesn't want you to hold onto him like that, as far as I know he isn't dating you he is dating someone else and we have agreed that the person is worthy of being with our son. Now please let go before a scene is started" said Lucius to the pug faced girl who still refused to let go of Draco.

"No he's mine I was promised that he would be mine! he shouldn't be with Potter of all things! I have loved Draco since we were little and now that Potter is adopted as a Snape doesn't give him the right to have Draco!" screamed Pansy making everyone look as they went to their parents or still getting off the train.

Pansy's parents came over Primrose and Steffen Parkinson making Pansy gulp at the looks they were giving her, they weren't please with their daughter at all this wasn't how a Lady of the Twenty Eight families should be acting they had taught her better than that surely.

"Girl let Heir Malfoy go" said Steffen to Pansy and she knew right away that she was in trouble and then and there she let go of Draco's now sore arm he walked over to Harry who was being held by his mother close to her side and kissed him for everyone to see.

"I see young Heir Malfoy has someone that he loves, you young lady I thought I have taught you better than than but I think we can go over your etiquette lessons again over the summer, now come along and we can get started right away" said Primrose to her daughter after she hit her with her fan she was using to cool herself with, making Pansy follow her glumly.

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