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we didn't expect to care

Rebekah Mikaelson was not one to care about many people.

She had fallen in love many times over the course of her thousand years, most of her suitors fallen (some literally) to their deaths because of the hand of her older brother. Her relationships were mostly filled with lust, and passion, not anything where she shared her secrets and hopes and dreams.

No, she had only shared those with people she had ever chose to call a friend, but she hadn't dared make many friends. Lovers, they were fine, they were dispensable, her brother proving that many times. Despite giving her all into every relationship she knew that her immortality would always create a barrier, and that barrier would ultimately lead to their deaths as a human, or their deaths as a vampire.

Either way it ended in death.

But when she was friends with someone, they became more than just a simple lover. They became family. Someone she would consider a brother or a sister. And although she knew she could deal with the loss of a lover, she couldn't deal with the loss of family. So, she simply closed herself off from such friendships.

But something was different with Mira.

When Rebekah Mikaelson first began seeing Mira when she was eight years old, it was obvious something had traumatised the young siphon, despite the little girl not remembering it. Rebekah would sit in the dark, with her ghost brothers, and Mira would wake up from a nightmare, screaming. She would look around, paranoid, and she would confess to the Mikaelson's that she had dreams of her death, or of her mother's death.

And when her mother died, they all saw something break inside Mira.

Her nightmares afterwards mostly consisted of herself killing her mother, Rebekah believing it was a manifestation of the siphon's survivors' guilt. For hours Rebekah would console the girl, with the help of her brothers, and Mira would open up. Tell them everything. They were family.

That was until Mira woke up one day, with the intent to not feel anything at all.

She worried the Mikaelson's that day. They never knew they had the capacity to care so much for a mere mortal, but they did. It was in Mira's mind that all she had to do was survive, and so she fled to Mystic Falls where she laid low for four years, forming connections with only the Forbes and the Bennett. She didn't make room for much else.

This mere mortal, her sister, had given Rebekah more anxiety than she had felt in a long time. Constantly worried about her safety, always looking over her shoulder despite being a ghost. And although her brothers never voiced it, she knew Kol and Finn felt exactly the same.

After the curse broke, she had felt something, as if her chest was being constricted, and she had looked towards her brothers, one of whom didn't look surprised at the grey veins that had begun spreading from their heart's outwards.

'Kol?' she had whispered fearfully. 'What's happening?'

'Back in the box we go,' he muttered softly, and Finn looked at the two in confusion.

'What do you mean back in the box?' He had asked. 'What's going on?'

Kol had simply shaken his head, looking behind his sister who was standing in front of him. Mira had broken the curse, and he was the only one who witnessed her eyes glow a bright red. The only one who knew what it truly meant.

'We'll see each other soon,' he had muttered softly, and the ghosts had disappeared into the night.

She was plunged into darkness. It was never ending, something that seemed to go on for infinity. She was paralysed, able to hear everything going on around her when she felt a hand touch her cheek.

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