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"daddy issues"

Mira would have woken up with a smile on her face if it wasn't for the phone blaring.

She had a wonderful time yesterday, besides the close death of Rose, and despite Klaus being close she didn't feel too scared.

She didn't know what it was that made Nik so familiar, and she was sure it was something exterior that was causing her to forget. She would have to figure that out later.

'This had better be life or death otherwise I'm hunting you down and ripping your head off,' Mira grumbled into the phone. A panicked Caroline was on the other end of the phone, and Mira pinched her eyebrows together. 'Care slow down, I can barely understand you.'

'Tyler knows,' she raced, her voice now intelligible. 'He knows about Stefan and Damon, and he knows Damon killed Mason- '

'Mason, the hot wolf that came to town a few months back, right?'

'Yes, Damon killed Mason, who's Tyler's Uncle, and now he knows- '

'It was probably the wolf from last night. The one that almost killed Rose.'

'Stefan said her name was Jules,' Caroline nodded on the other end of the phone. 'Can you talk to Tyler? I know you don't know him, but Stefan will be there with him, and you're scary when you want to be.'

'Wolves travel in packs Caroline,' Mira said as she threw on a denim jacket. 'It's likely Mason will have been a part of that pack. And because of wolf-pack loyalty stuff, they're all probably gonna come here to take revenge.'


'Fine,' Mira grumbled, picking up her skateboard. 'Tell Stefano to meet me at the Lockwolf's place.'

There was silence for a moment, when Caroline's voice came over the other end of the phone.

'So, you're a witch, huh?' Caroline questioned, and Mira shrugged, walking out the door and beginning to skate her way to the Lockwood mansion.

'I guess, I'm a siphon,' Mira said, paying attention to the road.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Mira could hear the hurt in Caroline's voice.

'It was nothing personal Care,' Mira assured the blonde vampire. 'It was for my safety. I didn't want to be dragged into the SalvatoresxElenaGilbert supernatural mess. But I must admit, fighting for your life everyday does get the blood pumping.'

'Stefan's almost there,' Caroline laughed on the other end of the line. 'How far are you?'

'About ten minutes.'

'Okay awesome. Thanks for doing this by the way.'

'No problem. And Care?' Mira paused for a second. 'Thanks for calling me. It's been a while since we talked.'

She hung up quickly, not being one for sentimental moments.

Then her family appeared.

'Oh my god,' Mira mumbled, shaking her head. 'You guys are gonna be the death of me.'

'We saw you on a date yesterday,' Rebekah said, grinning, and Mira rolled her eyes.

'I went on a date,' Mira said sarcastically. 'Sue me.'

'You seemed happy,' Kol commented, but Mira could tell there was something wrong with him.

'I was,' Mira said with a soft smile. 'Something's off about him, whether he's supernatural or not is yet to be determined but I do like him. He's sweet.'

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