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"as i lay dying pt. 1"

Sitting in Alaric's apartment was an incredibly bored doppelganger, who was waiting for the moment Klaus was dead so his compulsion lifted.

She had been waiting for this moment since she first fled from him in the 1400s. In her mind, she allowed herself to feel some sort of peace, whilst nursing the headache that had been brought on by an unidentified loud pitched noise.

She would finally be free.

If they didn't screw up the plan, that is.

She was walking around the apartment that seemed slightly too fancy for someone who just worked in a small-town high school when she heard someone making their way towards the apartment.

She frowned, confused. It wasn't Klaus, it was far too slow for someone as temperamental as him, and it wasn't Damon because he was probably going to be dead from the effects of the werewolf bite soon.

That left only one person, and when the door opened, it revealed Mira.

'Nice hair,' was Katherine's first comment, and Mira rolled her eyes. Mira had decided that she no longer liked her white hair, so she reversed the jinx and it returned to her original normal onyx black.

She had used her own magic, and it was still shocking, the red power that covered her hands when she did so. Chaos Henrik had called it, and she had no idea what to do with that information.

'You look like shit,' Katherine continued, and it wasn't far from the truth. Mira's hair was stuck in an incredibly knotty bun and her face was covered with dirt. She looked exhausted and she dragged her feet along the ground.

Even her eyes seemed to dull.

Mira collapsed onto the couch, holding her head in her hands and Katherine watched as she interacted with air, aware that she was talking to a ghost. Mira had explained to Katherine everything about her history a few days ago whilst Klaus and his witches were gone.

Katherine was willing to listen, mostly because she had nothing else to do over the few weeks she was held captive, and Mira wasn't going to pass up the opportunity of free therapy. Even if it was with a five-hundred-year-old vampire that couldn't care less.

'What happened?' Katherine asked. She wanted Klaus to be dead, she wanted to be able to leave.

'Well, I'm guessing Klaus is alive.'

'You guess?' Katherine raised her eyebrows. 'What do you mean, you guess? I thought he was going to be dead, Elijah was going to finally kill him.'

'Elijah was daggered, Kat,' Mira shrugged carelessly. She didn't have any more energy to be concerned. 'That means his siblings probably told him that they weren't buried in the ocean.'

'Meaning Elijah bargained Klaus' life for the undaggering of his siblings,' Katherine scoffed. 'Of course. It's always family above all with him.'

Mira nodded absentmindedly, something that Katherine noticed.

'What is up with you?' Katherine questioned. 'I mean, I know you just broke a thousand-year-old curse, but I don't think this is how you're supposed to react.'

'I didn't just break a thousand-year-old curse Kat, I broke my curse too.'

'Right,' Katherine said sarcastically. 'Resurrected wolfwitch, how could I forget.'

Mira rolled her eyes, and took off her jumper, trying to ignore the doppelganger. As much as she wanted to spill the secret, she knew she couldn't. Henrik looked stunned at the display of power that had happened earlier in the night, and he had told Mira that she shouldn't expose that to anyone.

DEVILS SMILE, SIREN EYES - klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now