She quickly grabbed a shot and the others followed suit.

"Someone's underwear is going to be pinned to my wall tonight and I so hope it's you, Glitter Eyes." That was quicksilver talking now and Brave Lav was steering like there was no tomorrow. Sage didn't seem to mind the moniker and raised a challenging brow.

"Cheers!" Athena shouted and then they all brought the first shot to their lips.

Lav was so immersed in the feel of the icy liquid streaming down her throat. It was just as good as flying. Hmm, maybe flying and drinking quicksilver at the same time would be gratifying. She grabbed her second shot at the same time Sage reached for his. She tilted the glass at her lips in a straight line down and the contents swam down her esophagus.

She downed the third shot like she was breathing air. Two more to go. Ellra and Sage were right on her heels. Not tonight, babes. Lav and alcohol were soulmates. Nothing could take them down.

Except this time, something did. Or rather, someone.

Blinded by their drunken giddiness and downing quicksilver like it was to be outlawed by the end of the night, the group didn't exactly pay attention to their surroundings. Big mistake for fledgling angels that didn't want to get caught.

From the corner of her eye, she sensed a ruckus ensuing. It was getting closer to their table and then Sage was being yanked out of his seat. Lav reached for her fourth shot, even as she heard Athena start yelling. These idiots didn't know how to keep their head in the game. Their loss.

The fourth shot had her head spinning and she wasn't even moving. Okay, one more. Last one. You're a winner, Lav.

She picked up the fifth and final glass of quicksilver and briefly wondered if Sage wore silk black briefs. Those would look good hanging up on her wall.

"We are so dead." Ellra whispered. When had the club gotten so quiet?

"Not yet." A masculine voice that promised of their terrible fate made her wings tingle in awareness.

She swallowed the last shot in one effortless swig and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. With a loud whoop of victory, Lav launched up from her seat and slammed the shot glass down. It shattered on impact with the table. Damn. Too much quicksilver. She couldn't control her strength.

"HA! Your underwear is mine, sexy demon! Shall I take it with my hands or my teeth?"

Oh, shit.

The words had already left her lips and by the time she read the room, she realized her mistake.

Athena was shouting obscenities as handcuffs were being slapped over her wrists. And not just any cuffs. The iridescent glint of divine cuffs sobered Lav up real quick. Those were specifically made for the restraining of angels. Which meant they were here.

The Elite Guard.

Ellra was pouting as a blond Guard confiscated her purse and drew her hands together for the divine cuffs. Another Guard stood behind her and she leaned back, pressing against him in her barely there mini skirt. Trying to seduce The Elite Guard? Ha. Ellra was going to punch herself when the quicksilver wore off. They were lethal enforcers, not of the incubi like Sage.

Speaking of which, he was nowhere to be seen. Her prize ran off? Not. Cool.

But the thought vanished as her sight landed on one particular striking Guard near Athena. That tingle in her wings earlier. It was him.


The sleek black armor of The Elite Guard molded to his impressive form like a second skin, as it was made to do so for agility in battle and also for taking flight with their wings. He loomed over her friend in all his deadly galore and wow. He was breathtaking. Thick, dark hair hung past his ears and those eyes were such an intense tempest grey. Eyes that had never looked her way.

Obsidian KissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon