chapter 16

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Sing pov:

I was happy pring called me and told me that forth is taking her on date for dinner.
She also told me she will do something to make him permanently be his. I know what she is saying and I didn't say anything because I also want that.
I excitedly buy all the things my daughter wanted and some for my would be son-in-law.
I went to my room and getting ready to sleep I have early flight.
I called my daughter but she didn't lift her phone then she send me a message saying that she is with forth so I didn't disturb her and I went to bed.

Next morning I got into a flight to reach my home city but after reaching the destination I got shocked when I am getting down the flight because almost all the police officials are here looking stem suddenly I have cold sweat on my forehead.
I am not worried david and pete are there to get me out they believe me blindly and my Pring is there to convince theme.
But to my surprise David and Pete with the policemen and helping them to arrest me I got little scared but suddenly I showed my smirked face to them but they didn't change there expression they are showing victory face.
Now I am scared and ask the policemen to let me talk to my daughter whilst they are cuffing my hands. But they didn't respond instead david came and told me something which shook me.

D: you cannot meet your daughter because 2 convicted felons can communicate even they are blood relatives while investigation.

S: you have no proof to tell that i did anything.
I have confidence that nothing can convince a judge that I did something you accuse me of.

D: sure I have all the videos and Rob work with me now which you took from him when you stab him.
Your biggest mistake is you love your daughter a lot to give forth to her you recorded the murder of most important person of this country and bmake her blackmail beam to leave the forth and me to occupy beam place in our hearts.
For that you are going to suffer alot more than for killing Rob and Lisa.

S: no you can't I am superior to everyone no one can do anything to me.

3rd person pov:

Sing and Pring got arrested and sing got life sentence for 1st degree murder and Pring got 10 years of jail for blackmail and being accomplish in murder in worst jail of the country.

Then the Rob and Lisa got there justice by imprisonment of there murderer and accomplish in there murder.

After that forth runs to his bike and goes to the villa and call everyone in the in the family and there friends with brother's friends also.

After everyone came forth stands up tell his parents something which make everyone happy except one.

F: I like to marry along with P Thran and P Kong before my baby comes I like to give the baby complete family.

B: oh so who you are going to marry P Forty? Who is the bride?

F: babe what happened why are you talking like that of cause its you babe.

B: I am not bride I am a groom I will be mother to my children but I will always be your groom and after marriage your husband did you understand?

F: yes babe I understood thank you for correcting me.

B: don't be mellow drama I am not going to marry you now.

F: why babe what I did?

Beam started crying and went to wayo and hugged him and ming .

B: he still didn't get it that he need to prapose to me to get married to me. P Forty doesn't want marry me that's why he didn't prapose to me.

W: bea don't cry you know he is dumass who knows nothing about romance don't worry I will teach him how to prapose.

M: you know bea his brain works only for sotus and about his gang nothing else don't worry he learns.

After telling these words ming look at forth and sign him to forgive him for saying that.
Forth didn't say anything and felt relived that yo and ming pacify his babe.

F: Babe I planed to prapose to you and this meeting suppose to be secret from you but unfortunately you hear everything I am sorry for not planing properly.

B: no babe I want simple ring from you to tell the world I m yours halfway. After marriage I will fully your. That's what I want I don't know why I am making big fuss about small things.

F: no babe you have full right to make fuss about anything even if you are not pregnant you have right because I live for you and fulfill all your wishes and I love you most you are my world darling.

Beam got shy and goes to forth and kiss him in front of everyone and hide his face in forth cest after satisfying with kiss.

B: mom and aunty I am going to marry my hubby for real this time not the play one we use to play when we are kids.
Dad and uncle please give your blessings to us for the marriage.
P Oon will you accept it am I good for your favorite nong and can I marry him same time as you guys?

A: Bea you are too precious to this world obviously no one as good for forth as you and I am happy to share my marriage day with my brothers.

Y: so I am the only one in the family who is not getting married I think I should to.

D,P,M,M(all the oldies): no no not till you finish your education.

P: yo I think pha parents will be disappointed if his son marry before finishing his education.

Y: dad please don't sweat I am joking we talked we want to marry after graduation of both of us.

M,M: thank god.

B: mom and aunty did I do a big mistake by getting pregnant and made you a shame? I swear I though I am leaving everyone so to be less lonely I plan this pregnancy and the baby will be the fruit of my love towards forth that's why I got pregnant without thinking the consequences.

Marla: no baby what you did is right that time this gave your dad, uncle, forth and p's motivation to quick the plan to kick the butt of that baster and his thick makeup daughter. I can understand you baby and you didn't make us a shame but make us proud for how you handle it by yourself. Love makes us do stupid things but this is not stupid thing. This shows how much you love my phoon and at what level of length you can go on the name of love.

D: k don't be emotional and let prepare for the 3 marriages in the semester end holidays.

F: babe before that I would like to ask you will you marry me and be my fiance with this ring?

B: yes honey yes.

Everyone is happy after witnessing forth and beam engagement.


Thank you

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