chapter: 2

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3rd person pov:

Wayo run in lighting speed and reach beam with ming.

Wayo: bee what happened?

Beam: I don't feel good take me to hospital. Don't tell my brother he will get worried.

Wayo: don't worry you know I will never tell your secrets.

By saying those words wayo sees everyone in the eyes and try to say keep there mouth shut with his expressions.

So pha and kit stand there with different turmoil in there mind.

Pha and ming help beam to car and they made him sit back seat with wayo and ming. Pha took driver seat and beside him kit sat. Pha and kit is constantly seeing back seat people through rearview mirror in car all the way to hospital. No one say anything till they reach hospital.

Pha stoped car and wayo and ming took beam to the E.R saying he is not feeling well and beam faints there.

Then nurse and doctor rushed to him take him in stretcher to the bed and check him. The doctor ask nurse to take few tests.

Doctor: He is dehydrated that's why he fainted. we want to be sure if he is fine. So nurse will draw blood and take urine sample for test. So that we can be sure 100% he is fine.

Wayo: thank you doctor. Actually he is sick for 10 day always feeling nauseous and feeling lite headed.

Doctor: we will get to know why with this tests.

Wayo: ok doctor.

Doctor leaves the room after instructing nurse what to do.

Pha pov:

Pha: Babu how do you know this much about beam and we don't?

I am little jealous and guilty that I don't know all this about beam. I am busy with wayo and collage but wayo also , even tho he knows. I so guilty than jealous.

Wayo: I will tell you later honey after I get to know what happen to bee.

While wayo talking to me, ming comes and hug wayo and says don't worry he will be fine. We will wait for result and then we will call your brother and bee's brother. We need to do that if it is something serious.

Wayo: ok we will do that. Lets pray god it's not something serious.

I am so confuse the way wayo is behaving as an independent person who takes his decisions by himself. But my babu always dependent on me.

I am looking at my babu as an alien while he is doing everything for beam from paying bill to deciding when to tell beam's brother about this. What's going on???

                    Thank you

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