"If you don't mind - how did...Ms. kim you know"

"The cafe owner called the ambulance but the impact was way too strong that her ribs punctured her lungs - she died 3 minutes before the ambulance arrived" 

"I'm sorry" Lisa feels weird for apologizing for a murder that haven't happened yet but the pain in Chaeyoung's face made it feel more weird for not apologizing 

"Don't be, technically it didn't happen yet" 

"And that happens when? 9 days from now? from the coffee shop we used to meet" 


"Why, Taehyung? according to Jennie - Ms. Kim have a good relationship with her brother" 

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, "Jennie? since when did you know Jennie Kim?" 

"Since Japan" Lisa shrugs 

"Ah, so I'm guessing she wrote and I quote, "Chanyeol Park seething in anger as her baby sister named as the next chairman and his future boss" in the gossip column of the business magazine she works on" 

Lisa smiles sheepishly, "She might've said something about your brother being a big baby and she needs a story - it's either that or Taehyung being with Jungkook the whole night" 

"She could've written about the 50 million dollars donated to child care facilities" Chaeyoung points out 

"Yeah, whatever - but from what she said it seems to me that your brother is honestly more of a suspect than Taehyung Kim" 

Chaeyoung shrugs dismissively, "Sure since we're already here - let's throw out the fact that we're family. What would my brother want from Jisoo - enough to kill her" 

"Did you ask that same question about Taehyung? cause it seems to me you just jumped ship" 

"First of all ouch - and I'm being objective as much as I can, if Jisoo dies - Taehyung gets the corporation and that's a billion dollar corporation" 

"Yeah but according to Jennie, he doesn't even want to be in the business scene" 

"He doesn't have to be - if he becomes chairman he's set for life" 

Lisa hums not missing a beat, "Correct if I'm wrong but aren't they already set for life whether or not they work for their parents? The Kim's are old money I'm pretty sure all four of them combined is worth way more than that corporation"

Chaeyoung hates that the detective has a point, "Yeah but what about Chanyeol? what does he have to gain in killing Jisoo?"

"I don't know - hurt you?" 

Chaeyoung chuckles, "I've known my brother since forever and he's not the type to do emotional damage - if he wanted to be Chairman he'd kill me and as much as a jealous asshole he is like everyone seems to think he's wouldn't do that to me" 

"And you think Taehyung could do that? To her own sister?"

"No! of course not, Which is why I'm so frustrated about this" 

"So...Jisoo dies 9 days from now?" Lisa asks again

Chaeyoung mindlessly said yes but she paused for a moment to think, "NO! there was one week for mourning and it took me almost two days to respond to death-" she looks at Lisa, "She dies today"

With that in mind, both her and Lisa jumps off their chairs and race down to the parking lot where their cars are. The lawyer is pretty sure she broke the speed limit twice before she parked hastily and slammed the elevator keys - once she was on Jisoo's office floor Chaeyoung runs to find her, Lisa following closely behind her 

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