Chapter 5

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|No point, no purpose, no grounds to hate Jisoo Kim|

14 days have are now down to 10 days and the Kim's and the Park's are back together in same space after Jisoo's funeral - or was it last week when they had dinner? Chaeyoung honestly doesn't know anymore

Japan will always be beautiful but Chaeyoung can't be excited by the beautiful food arrangement, she has a mission and she needs to focus up on her job

She told Lisa to wear something formal since this is a black tie event and the detective did not disappoint, "Okay I told you to wear something formal not extravagant, now half of the eyes are on you" Chaeyoung chastised 


"Please, I'm marri- engaged to Jisoo Kim, like I would wish for anything else" 

"Okay - ouch and also if Jeon Jungkook is part of your suspect list then why did you hire him to serve the food where he can easily poison whoever he wants to" 

Chaeyoung snorts, "That only happen in movies" 

Lisa throws her a 'really look', "really?"

She realized the detective has a point and weaved to the crowd to look for Jisoo, Who is thankfully not eating anything but looks to be knee deep in scotch

"Hey" She greets

"Hey, babe. Dad said we're the one who's delivering the closing speech" 

"Got it, tone down the alcohol?"

Jisoo pouts and Chaeyoung knows her fiancé is two glasses away to shit faced. "Drink water, okay?" she turns to Lisa, "Stay with her, I'm gonna go interview someone" 

It was easy to spot Sana Minatozaki especially with her orange hair, unfortunately the Japanese heiress is being interviewed by none other than Jennie Kim, the same reporter that uncovered that Jisoo was actually murdered. Chaeyoung ought to give the girl a hug 

"Ms. Minatozaki?" Chaeyoung interrupts 

Sana laughs and playfully slaps her shoulder, "excuse me, Miss Kim. It seems that attorney Chaeyoung had forgotten all about our friendship" 

There is no friendship but then again Sana is very friendly, Jennie Kim bows at them at walks away, "Thanks for that - she was grilling me about my latest scandals" Sana winks

Chaeyoung laughs awkwardly, "Right - with Kim Dahyun?" 

"Yes, she was wondering why I haven't destroyed that relationship just yet" another wink 

Chaeyoung remembers why Jisoo never asks her to vacation in Japan, Sana Minatozaki is a natural flirt. "anyways it was nice of you to come here" 

"Oh yes, I'm actually happy to see the invitation in my mail, I though Jisoo Kim forgotten all about making friends instead of enemies" 

"I thought about that too when she built a branch of her own company here" Chaeyoung mused as innocent as possible 

"ah, you don't have to worry about such things - she did ask me first if it was okay"

"She did?" Chaeyoung shouldn't really be surprised about this

"Yep" Sana answered popping the P sound at the end 

Then does that mean Chaeyoung had nothing on Sana because apparently they were best friends, She excuses herself and moves to see Jungkook. 

"Jeon" She calls him from the kitchen of the hotel, he looked dashing in his chef's attire. Chaeyoung can see why Taehyung was so crazy about him 

"Hey, Chaeyoung" he dries his hands on his apron, "What brought you back here?"

"Just wanted to see how you're doing" she shrugs trying to diminish the awkward atmosphere 

"And you're not here to curse me?" He jokes 

"I didn't have to Jisoo already used all of them on you" she jokes

And to her surprised Jungkook actually laughs, "I-I gotta ask, Is Taehyung here?" 

"He is but it's probably best if know don't show up - at least until everyone is gone" Chaeyoung winced at her own words - Jungkook should never show his face to Taehyung

"'re probably right" 

"And..uh, I'm sorry - for what Jisoo said back then, she was angry and pissed off. She didn't mean to go off on you like that" Jisoo did meant to go off on him like that but if this decreases her chance of Jisoo not dying then so be it

"She did" Jungkook laughs, "but it's okay - I was an asshole, I deserved that" 

"I mean you did cheat on his only brother so..." 

"I know - tell Jisoo that I said I'm sorry for ever hurting her brother, I'll say my apologies to Taehyung in person" 

Chaeyoung nods, "'re not angry at Jisoo?"

"No, why would I be - I was wrong and she was just trying to protect her older brother and to be honest I should've known better. Taehyung was already fragile and insecure maybe that's why Jisoo acted the way she did" 

She just nods and leaves the kitchen, If Sana and Jungkook had no deep hatred towards Jisoo then who in the world would want her dead? She had one more person but Irene was only there because Seulgi (Irene's girlfriend) used to have a big ass crush on Jisoo that went on for years before she eventually moved on and got together with Irene but that was years ago, the two are almost married. 

She was getting frustrated and the air around her was stuffy because of the amount of people in the room, she walks to the nearest bar and orders shots of tequila and she downs two and looks for Jisoo and Lisa 

Lisa was talking to Jennie Kim while Jisoo is chatting with Sana. She was about to excuse Jisoo when they were called on stage by their parents - Jisoo looks uncharacteristically pissed after her talk with Sana 

"You and I have a lot to discuss later" she tells Chaeyoung 

Everyone gasps after their parents introduced them as, "Welcome to the stage, The future Chairmen's of their respective companies, our daughters. Jisoo Kim and Attorney Chaeyoung Park - soon to be Kim" 

She can see the puzzled look on Chanyeol's face and the stoic look on Taehyung's as she and Jisoo were ushered to the stage. At that moment as Jisoo was thanking everyone, another name just got added in her suspect list 

Chaeyoung hates herself so much for even thinking about it but she'll be dammed if she didn't think of it as a possibility. Jisoo hands her the mic and she thanks their parents, their family and friends

"...and to Taehyung - who honestly without his guidance this event wouldn't be possible" Taehyung gives her a sad/thankful look that almost made Chaeyoung reconsider on putting his name on her suspect list. Almost. 

"-there's only two reason why someone would like to hurt your fiancé, one is for money and second is a personal vendetta or Jealousy" 

Could Taehyung really be that Jealous of her sister that he resorted into having her killed? the thought alone sent shivers down her spine - not because of the thought of Jisoo dying but the one responsible is someone they both trust with their life. 

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