Chapter 1: A bounty hunter and now a student

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Rain pour over the night city as we see tall buildings with lights on as the whole city lights up the whole city while on top of one of the tall buildings, we see a Mafia boss as he look out of his window and stare up at the sky to look at the half broken moon that is over the planet while the Mafia boss lit his cigar while behind him we see four of his henchmen as they look terrified while their boss tells them.

Mafia Boss: So let me get this straight so I can understand. I've sent all four of ya, to source a package of me within a warehouse, your job was to taking to my building right here when this "Bounty hunter" came and beat you four up and destroy my package and you came back here and dare tell me that the bounty hunter who attack you four was none other then......

Then he slowly turn around to face the four feared henchmen while he finished off by saying.

Mafia boss: A boy.

The four henchmen stood silent in fear while their boss stare at them for a bit before he pulled out his pistol and looked at it a bit before he fire a singal shot at one of female rabbit faumus which scared them while his henchmen was also scared as their boss sat back down and waited for their response.

Male henchmen 1: Boss you have no idea who this bounty hunter is like. He maybe a boy but he is one boy you shouldn't mess with.

Mafia boss: And why is that?

Male henchmen 2: First is really sneaky, very sneaky indeed. He'll jump pop out of anywhere and we won't even see it coming. In combat he's very overpowered and quickly destroyed our weapons within seconds. Then he show his true aiming skills by throwing the package up to the air and quickly shot at the package in quick speed.

Male henchmen 3: Trust us boss, he is not a boy you should be dealing with if we have to face him again. We heard what he did to the last Mafia gang a while back was something we never knew he can do.

Mafia boss: That is enough! Listen here boys, White fang will be very disappointed with me if the package is destroyed. Also this "boy" is just a kid, there is no way he would have taken all four of you down and destroyed the package.

???: Yeah they are telling the truth, you should have believe them.

They immediately look around in surprise but they can't see him as the Mafia boss stood up with pistol in hand as he and the rest of his henchmen grab what ever melee weapons they can find and look around.

Male henchmen 4: (scared) That's him boss! He found us!

Mafia Boss: Quiet! Listen here, your making a huge mistake messing with us. How's about you tell us where you are now and we mat spare you?

???: Sorry dude. Not a type of guy to never surround to people like you. I'm actually here to ask you something and I want nothing but the truth.

Mafia Boss: And what truth would that be?

???: I would tell you but first.....let's clear the room.

Suddenly two smoke grenades fell from the ceiling and then smoke filled the room as the Mafia boss was blind and can't see anything except for the screams and punches from his henchmen as the Mafia boss looks around for this bounty hunter.

Soon there was silence as the smoke clears away while the Mafia boss is shocked to see his four henchmen taking down so easily and quick. He looks around searching for this bounty hunter when suddenly he turn onky ti be grabbed by the shirt and slammed onto the wall.

The Mafia boss see his helmet along with his outfit and high tech equipment on his hands and feet while the bounty hunter looks at him and ask him.

???: Do you know of a bounty hunter name "Ghost of Death?"

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