He thought that maybe he should kiss Tom. His heart started picking up, so he decided to do it before he passed out from anxiety. He leant forward and kissed Tom.

Except nothing exciting happened. Dan's heart quit racing. Tom kissed back and then they broke apart after a few seconds. It was very anti-climactic to Dan. Tom said goodnight, and walked out the door.

Dan leaned against the door after it closed. He wondered why that kiss wasn't very exciting, and he figured it was just because he'd built it up to be this huge deal in his head. He sighed and went upstairs to see Phil had fallen asleep on the couch.

Phil looked only about 20 years old when he was asleep. He looked like the Phil that Dan found online many years back and slowly came to know. Dan bent down and picked up his phone from the edge of the couch. He smiled towards Phil, and noticed he didn't have a blanket.

He reminisced over the past as he gazed at Phil. How he was somehow in his current situation in life was a total mystery to him. There were so many things that could've kept this whole thing from happening, but it all just worked out. Dan had written a chapter in the book about this. Phil could have never decided to make a video. Dan could have decided to not comment. Phil could have chosen to respond to someone else. Either of them might not have had the means to travel and meet each other. Dan could've pursued a degree in law. Phil could have never mentioned to Dan that he should do Youtube. Then once living together, they might've discovered living with the other person was unbearable. They could have fallen into debt. They could have met a significant other and moved out. All these and so much more could have happened and kept Dan and Phil apart. However, it seemed to Dan as though all the stars and planets in the universe aligned perfectly in order for him to meet Phil and become his best friend.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Dan left to get Phil's duvet from his bed. He went back to the couch and gently laid the blanket on top of him. He moved Phil's fringe out of his eyes, and left to his room with one last look at Phil.


"PHIL!" Dan screamed, as he opened the door to Phil's room.

"What the hell? What do you need?" Phil asked groggily sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes.

"TODAY'S THE DAY!" Dan exclaimed before turning on his heel and going to make some breakfast for himself. Today was the day they kicked off their book tour. Dan could hardly keep still. After a few minutes, Phil joined Dan in the kitchen, wearing glasses and sweatpants. "THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!" Dan yelled at Phil.

"I know! But maybe take it down a notch, it's 7 am," Phil said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!" Dan whispered back.

They were already packed as Dan was excited to leave and actually packed early for once. Soon it was time to leave for the airport. After a short ride to the airport and a short plane ride, they were landing in Glasgow.

After they arrived in their hotel room, they didn't hesitate to move the nightstand and push the two beds together. This was something they almost always did at hotels. It was just generally better in every aspect and didn't really need explaining. They spent the day running around the hotel like children on vacation for the first time ever until it was time for their show.

Everything operated really smoothly and they were both extremely satisfied at the end. They had decided to take a few questions at the end of the show, and that was probably the best part because the fans were just so creative with their questions and they had a blast answering them.

When they returned to the hotel room, there was a surprise waiting for Dan. It was Tom. He had went to their hotel and somehow convinced the clerk that he knew Dan and Phil and got a room key. After that, he went up to their room and waited for them.

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