Chapter 9

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"I must kill my brother." 


Sasuke's POV 

After I say my goodbye to Naru~ I walk out and leave the hospital not telling Shikamaru I was leaving. I got Itachi's phone number from a nurse before I left. 
Should I call him, can I even beat him in a fight. He put Naru in the hospital. Ahhhahhh I can't think like this. I can beat him if I think I can. I pull out my phone and say a quick prayer. I dial his number.





"Sasuke, I presume."
"Itachi...let's meet up."
"Now why would I do that, I'd be putting myself in danger."
"Who fucking cares about how you feel, you've been a shitty brother the least yoy could do is meet up with me."
"Calm down dear brother, we can meet... but I pick the location."
"And who the hell put you in charge, we will meet on my terms. I don't trust you."
"Well I tried, fine you choose. Text it to me."


How dare he hang up on me! Anyways that not important. I have to devise a plan where I can win.


I drive to an field full of tall dry grass. This is where our fight will take place. I've told Shikamaru to get our best guys and station them in the grass with guns. There's no way in hell I beat him so imma need some help. Maybe that makes me weak but I think it makes me strategic.
Everyone is in place and I walk in a circle waiting for this dipshit to arrive. Oh speak of the devil, he's pulling up. He took his sweet time getting here and he's eating a bag of chips! The absolute nerve!

"Hello brother, sorry I took so long, I had a feeling I'd need some energy. Want some?"
"No. What I want is to kill you so let's not act like we're friends."
"You think you...can kill me...ahahahaa that's gotta be the funniest joke I've heard all year, hahaaaaa!!"

I ponder whether I should respond, but I choose against it and run towards my brother.

3rd Person POV

Sasuke eagerly runs towards Itachi who doesn't appear to be scared one bit. He's just standing there finishing the last chips in his bag. He finally looks up and makes eye contact with the quite frustrated Sasuke. He throws the bag of chips and jesters Sasuke to hit him. Sasuke without hesitation plants a heavy right hook on Itachi who stumbles back. Shocked by his brothers strength he falls. Sasuke doesn't give him a chance to get back to his feet and plants punches on Itachi's face. The air is filled with screams of anger and fear. Itachi headbutts Sasuke making him fall on him back into the ground. Itachi jumps on top of him now placing heavy rights and lefts on Sasuke.
Sasuke grabs Itachi's right hand and kicks him in the stomach causing him to fall onto of Sasuke. He quickly tries to get up but Sasuke puts his hands around his neck choking him. They wrestle until Sasuke manages to push Itachi off of him. He grabs his hand forcing him to stand and steps back. He shouts, "Shoot! Shoot damnit!!dammit!!! Kill the bastard!!!"
And with that someone pulls the trigger. The bullet flies through the air as if in slow motion. It penetrates Itachi's head and he falls to the ground. Splat his body goes.

Sasuke's POV

One of our snipers shot him in the head and I'm actually quite suprised. We won. WE WON. Shikamaru instructs some of the guys to start digging a whole to but my brother in. And it's hit me, its over.

Naruto's POV

I wake up freaking parched. I look to my right expecting to see Sasuke but he isn't here. He was probably tired so he went home. I look around and it seems that my vision is a little blurry. Also I'm apparently in a different room.
Everything that transpired comes flooding back into my head. I was ambushed by Itachi. It's still a little confusing about how I got here though...omggg I hope some stranger didn't find me there!!
I sigh and I lay back down in the actually kinda comfy hospital bed. I slip into I nice sleep.
2 hours Later
I awake to the sound of the door swooshing open. I raise my head quickly rubbing my eyes.
"N- Naru~ I'm here, I'm sorry I left you alone for awhile."
I open my eyes wide like a bunny about to be hit by a car and see Sasuke in a blue tracksuit. And might I add he looks scrumpdilicious!! :}
"No no, it's fine, your a busy guy so I understand. You're her le now so I'm happy." I shine my beautiful fucking smile. And ofcourse he blushes. Duhhh who wouldn't. *clears throat* Imma stop talking about myself now.
"Naru~ I've told the doctors I want to take you home so we've packed up your stuff and the car is here to take us."
"Ohh uhh ok."
I push my legs over the edge of the bed and go to stand. I feel lightheaded all of a sudden and as I go to walk my legs weaken and I fall to the floor. Quite embarrassing. Sasuke comes running to help me up and even though he's helping me I can't manage to take a step. So Shikamaru grabs a wheelchair. ME! ME IN A WHEELCHAIR, THE WORLD IS ENDING!!
I angry hop into the wheelchair and they wheel me to the car. Sasuke helps to place me into the car and we bow to the doctors for helping me.

Once we arrive home I very shakily walk up the stairs with Sasuke and we make it to our room. He places me in bed and covers me up. He sits on the edge of the bed and places his hand on my cheek.
"Your so pretty. Even with those eye bags. Have you not been sleeping well, should I get you some medicine."
"Aww don't worry about me, I'm fine."
Sasuke adverts his eyes from mine and looks at the ground. He looks like he has something to say but doesn't know how to.
"Sasuke...I can tell something is on your mind so go ahead and say it. I promise I won't laugh or be mad or anything else. So don't worry about it."
"Sasuke. What's wrong."
"I- I uhmm..."
I place my hand on his and look up at him innocently. I pout.
"Tell meeee. Please.."
"I may have killed my brother..."
He said it so quickly and jumped up and closed his eyes shut, gripping the bottom of his shirt. He began pacing back and forth.
"I was something that needed to be done, he needed to be why to I feel bad."
"Sasuke, you really did that, all by yourself?!"
"No I had Shikamaru help me."
"It's fine that you feel bad he was your brother after all."
He started to cry a bit and was biting his finger nails.
"That's the thing..*sniffle* he was a terrible brother, I should grieve his deathe...he would care if I died!"
I get up and out of bed. I stumble my way over to Sasuke falling to the floor. I grab his shirt and look up at him.
"You can grieve his proves your much better than him and that your human and you care. So cry, cry all you need."
"How is it that you always know what to say."
I shrug and he laughs.
"I thought you'd be mad seeing how you'd might want revenge."
"It wouldn't be right for me to kill him. Besides all I need is you Sasuke..."
I look away blushing Hella hard. >///<
Sasuke hugs me and since he's standing and I'm on the floor my face is literally in his stomach.

"We should celebrate."
"How so I can barely walk, we could watch a movie I guess.
"Or we could make a movie ;)"
"But I can't do anythi- uhuhnnn I shall not bottom. Never everrrrr!!"
"It's not like you can stop me..besides I shouldn't be the bottom all the time."
"ME a BOTTOM unacceptable."
I shake my head back and forth in utter disbelief. I can't do much to over power him and it doesn't look like he's gonna change his mind. So I just give in. I place my hands on the waistband of his pants.

"Fine...just this once.." I say huffing.
"Awww good boyy."

Andddd end of chapter sorryyyy >3<

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