Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV 

I was on my way home from a long day at work. "I so deserve some ramen." I walk to my car with Kiba, my assistant. For some odd reason today he was driving so fucking slow, I could walk faster at this rate. On top of his slow ass  driving, IM STARVING. As we continue driving, I look out the window and a guy catches my eye. He has pale skin, lots of darker blue hair. He seems tall and has a good build, I hate that I can't see his eyes, but I'm sure those are pretty too. I wonder how something so perfect could end up on the street.

I see him day after day, again and again on the same corner, begging for food and being met with such strong hate. I can't stand for it any longer. I've had enough of them treating this treasure like trash. 

"Pull over." 

"But Sir-"

"Pull over now!" 

After this dickhead finally pulls over, I get out of the car and walk to the nearest sushi shop. I bought lot's of food not knowing what the guy may like. I'm a fatass so I'll eat what he doesn't.    I finally approach the mysterious male. 

"Hey I've seen you sitting here for awhile, I thought I'd bring you some food. Also, may I ask how this happened to you?"

The male speaks.

"My family was murdered."

He says something so sad but all I can focus on is his beautiful voice.  

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's fine, it was awhile ago."

"Ok, I've decided. I'm the CEO of the business Uzamaki Model Industries and I want to make you my next top model. "He looks at me with his pretty deep blue eyes, "Why me." "Because your beautiful, it'd be a waste don't you think?" "Is this some kind of scam" "Of course not!" "Fine."  

I wait for the male to finish eating and think of all the things I'll have to arrange and buy. 

"Have you finished?"


"Let's go, the car is this way."

He trails behind me, following me most likely still confused. He ate absolutely everything, I kinda wish he left some for me. 

"After you."


"Don't mention it.

We get into the car and of course the dumbass dog of mine had to ask why I brought in this strange guy.

"Don't worry about it, your job is to drive so drive."

We finally arrive at the mansion. The male looks with a glitter in his eyes absolutely amazed, I mean obviously who wouldn't be. "Kiba go tell my good assistant, Skikamaru, to get a maid to prepare him a room." "Also try and learn something from him." "Yes sir!" 

"Oh I've just realized, I never asked for your name."

"It's Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha."

"I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzamaki."

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