Chapter 7

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Naruto's POV

I wake up early so that I can make the proper arrangements at home for Sasuke. Plus we'll obviously need more security. I feel so sad for him, he watched his family get slaughtered and now his brother is after me. It must be a lot for him to handle. And he said he LOVED meeeee!! Although it was late, I doubt he remembers saying that. I arrive home and ask the maids to clean up a bit because it is a mess, I give Sasuke a 2-week break from work, and I tell shitty Kiba to get more guards and to call the doctor here. After all of that, I go to my building, hand out schedules to my staff and my other models. I fill out paperwork and make a spreadsheet of the things I want to be done by the end of the month. Ahhhh so much work. I'm glad it's done though, now I gotta head back to the hospital. Oh shit, I forgot a change of clothessss.

Sasuke's POV

I wake and see that Naru~ isn't there. My mind immediately thinks that he left because of everything that happened, but he wouldn't do something like that. So I calm myself down. Some nurses come in handing me some food, water, and my medicine. After they leave I throw the food in the trash, I wouldn't give that food to a cat. 


 1 Hour Later

I get out of bed a walk to the window. It looks pretty outside today. I hear the door open and I jump a little. I turn around and it's Naruto with food and a bag. 

"Sorry to startle you, come sit down, I've brought you some food and a change of clothes."                                                "Thank you Naru~"                                                                                                                    He places a light kiss on my lips and ruffles my hair a bit                                                                                                     "Sasuke, don't thank me, I haven't earned it."

Does he feel bad about what happened the other day? He can't possibly think this is somehow his fault. He's done nothing but help me, he didn't even know about this.

"Yes, you have Naru~, so keep your head up ok?"                                                               "Ok ok. Hurry and get ready so you can come home. I've made it safer so don't about anything."

Someone walks in.

"Just thought I'd say goodbye for now. Also, I have some news to share."              "We don't want to hear your news, we want to hear you leave."                                                                                            "Naruto, I think you'd like to hear this. Someone very close to you has passed away. OH and if your pretty head can't figure out who did it, IT WAS ME!"                                                                                    "Someone close to me?.................Wait.....There's no fucking way!!"                                                                 

I look at Naru~ and he looks angry but at the same time like he wants to break down and cry. He never told me he had any friends or people close to him. In a low angry voice, he asks,                      "You killed... Iruka-Sensei?"                                                                                                    "Yes, this is just to show you what staying with Sasuke will get you. Absolutely nothing but sorrow and death, and soon your own death."                                                                                          "You need to leave, or I will kill you. But before you do, you can do whatever the hell it is you want, but it will not scare me away from Sasuke. I will stay by his side and give him something you can never have, happiness. So go ahead and kill, but watch your back because I will kill you."                                                                                                                                                                                                         Naru~ walks towards my brother and pushes him out of the room and he closes the door.  He closes the blinds and turns off the lights. He puts his back to the door, slides down to the floor, and looks at me. 

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