Untitled Part 15

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"If you don't fight, you will not be harmed. But if you do, I can only imagine what my captain will do. So it'd be best to decide against that," Sypher advised, lowering his weapon. He didn't want to hurt her. He had seen the face of the one he had been chasing all over kingdom come and back. It was a beauty that to him was lucky to see.
Mercea groaned loudly in pain. His body was on fire. The only thing he could think about was to try and get away. Thing was, his limbs wouldn't respond, as if he'd been paralyzed. "What... what's going on," he managed to moan.
"Open your eyes and find out."
He tried, only to be let down again due to non-functioning limbs. "I can't."
Sabrina's lips pulled up into a smirk. "For some reason, I don't believe you."
Mercea grunted as he fought for a few minutes to move his limbs. The fire that was burning inside him had started ease in intensity. His eyes slowly pealed open. "Why does everything hurt?"
"Because you're no longer human. That's why."
"Dammit," he spat as the realization hit him. "What happened to me telling you no. You know that I flat out refused." Mercea pulled himself up until he was sitting as the fire that was still burning ebbed to an almost numbing ache.
Sabrina nodded her understanding. "I remember quite clearly. It's hard for me not to." She sighed heavily and stood, bringing him with her. "What happened earlier proved to me that it was time for me to change you."
He rubbed his head as blurred images of the day passed behind his lids. "Was it really that bad?"
"I don't think that you would have been able to fight it."

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