Untitled Part 11

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Sabrina's head snapped up, hearing a gunshot just down the hall from their location. She knew that things were going to get hectic within the next minute. She was already hearing metal clanking closing in, and fast. Abandoning the prisoners, who were currently splayed across the floor in bloody heaps and groaning, she marched herself to the door but didn't exit. It could easily put her and the crew in jeopardy.
"Sypher, keep an eye on our friends here. Make sure they don't try anything funny. I think it's time for me to find out if our captain has found any others," Sabrina ordered.
Meanwhile, Mercea was on heavy pursuit of what he suspected as more hostiles. He thought it strange though. They didn't look at all like the prisoners that were currently being interrogated. "Damn it... Stop running!" He shot again, aiming to only slow them down enough to catch them. They were going at super human speeds compared to him, and he had been a star athlete in his younger years. Doors were whizzing by in a blur. Still, he had yet to gain any ground on them. His vision began to go fuzzy around the edges. Darkness slowly crept in on him, pulling him under. Within seconds his limp body hit the floor with a jolting thud before sliding the ten feet to the split of a cross hallway.
Sabrina followed close behind after they passed the door, her gun tightly gripped in her hands. It was only when she noticed Mercea's pace slow down slightly that she knew all his adrenaline had drained, thus depleting his body. Just as he hit the floor, the group they were pursuing was no longer the main priority.

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