Untitled Part 14

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Footsteps echoed from down the hall. Yuki realized that she must have been bleeding pretty bad. The thought of the trail of blood that led to them echoed in the back of her mind. There was no way she was going to allow their pursuers to catch them. Not because of her. Yuki shifted her weight, moving to the opening in the ceiling. Needles and knives jabbed at her leg.
"Sorry for this," she murmured, disappearing through the hole before they could get their say. Yuki studied her surroundings for a few seconds, then started down the hall. Every few feet, she would look down and just behind her. Sure enough there was a trail. It wasn't too noticeable; a drop or two every few feet. Just as she turned a corner, the urge to look over her shoulder to hallway that lay behind her caught her up short.
About half way down, a man stood with gun in hand and in the same type of uniform as the one that had shot her. His eyes caught her just before she was fully around the corner. The hand that held the gun lifted as he took aim at her. Fear coursed through Yuki's veins as she put her own hands up in defense.

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