Untitled Part 6

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Jon Paul opened his eyes. "Yuki, what can you see happening out there?"
Yuki closed her eyes. Within seconds, shattered visions raced past. A woman, doors slamming, a ship landing. People... in weird uniforms. She sat there for a few agonizingly slow moments, trying to piece together what she saw. Her eyes pealed open slowly. "I don't know. But what I do know is that we must find a way out. And keep trying if we can't. We need to get out of this place before they do something else to us."
Jon Paul nodded his agreement seconds before his attention was drawn to the door as it opened. The figure of a boy became visible as he was tossed inside. Red Bear didn't even have time to rouse himself to catch the boy. A loud metallic clank sounded as he hit the floor; like they all do nowadays.
Yuki scooted onto her knees and inched herself towards him. She wanted a closer look at the boy. She automatically noticed that he was much younger in appearances than she was. The boys features didn't show much maturity, but his hair made her think a little different. Yuki patted his cheek, seeing if he was awake. "Hello. Who are you?"
"Yuki, he isn't awake. You should let him rest," Red Bear murmured softly. She nodded her understanding and sat back against the wall.

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