Chapter 58

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[TW: character death]

Chapter 58

"Then we just have to hide in the storage room until Andres' minions inspect the spaceship. For sure he'll have it inspected to check if it's only Lia and Fang in the ship." Yaya suggested, much to the rest agreeing with her.

Leizel raised her hand, "I actually have one concern though. How will Lia be able to attack them if he will get her power watch? They probably have trust issues now since Lia pulled a trick before."

"Dey, we can always lend her one of our power watches, they wouldn't know." Gopal proposed with a grin. "Then who's power watch is she going to use? The one that could give a successful attack, at the same time, the one she can control." Ying added on.

"I'd love to give her mine, but I'm afraid it would be too difficult to handle all of my 7 elements," Boboiboy replied with a sigh. Lia raised his eyebrow at him, "Isn't it obvious? You have seven elements... Anything else?"

After minutes of discussion, they all agreed on Leizel lending Lia her powerband.

"It's actually stretchable," The energy heroine informed, putting the power band around the sound heroine's upper arm. "They won't be able to detect that it's a power band so you'll be fine."

"I'm more worried about controlling your powers, Zel. If I end up destroying everything-" Leizel cuts her off by shushing her, "You see me? I'm still here, right? Tsk, you'll be fine."

"Don't just stand there!" Andres scolded his subordinates- Krive'a, Tristan, Aisha, Adudu, and Probe. "Attack them! Now!" His subordinates obeyed him by dashing against team Boboiboy to engage in the fierce battle.

Adudu is on Mega Probe, who fires several laser beams and missiles that alerted everyone, especially Fang. "Shadow Shield!" A shield was constructed around them that was able to protect them from the fired projectiles.

Afterward, the others went out from the shield and proceeded with the rest of the villains. Leizel for Tristan, Ying and Yaya for Krive'a, Fang and Gopal for Adudu and Probe, and Boboiboy for Aisha.

Leizel summoned her sword that made Tristan smirk. "Don't forget, my prosthetic hand can fight against that sword of yours." Leizel rolled her eyes, "Try me, then. Let's see if you're still the so-called favorite." The two went for an intense sword battle with a mix of hand-to-hand combat.

Tristan is gaining the upper hand as he was able to whip Leizel away using his powerful prosthetic hand. He then dashed onto her, about to strike another attack but Leizel was able to use her sword to shoot out an energy blast that blew him away.

"I knew I was a better fighter than you," She then lunges to him, holding her energy in her fist. She was about to swing in for a punch but Tristan blocked her fist with his prosthetic hand which surprised her.

"How boastful, but not anymore." With his powerful hand, he whipped the sword away and then threw an uppercut punch to her. She does a flip to regain her balance on the ground, "Well I'll prove it to you!"

She created an intense energy front around herself that spreads outward, making her running step-brother stop because of the temporary blindness. The power concentrated then re-emerged in the form of a white energy blast that discharged Tristan across the distance.

At the same time Tristan got thrown away, Boboiboy also suffered the same fate by Aisha who just did her psionic energy on him. Recovering from the fall, Boboiboy growled and then managed to split into 7 which surprised their opponent.

"Oh, don't worry, we're not all for you. You might not be able to handle it," Thunderstorm smirked, then Blaze, Ice, Earthquake, and Solar went out for the others to help them. Cyclone sped to the girl and then created a cyclone with his hoverboard that trapped Aisha.

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