Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

A shadow eagle is soaring through the night sky- Fang and Leizel are riding on it. Leizel is currently talking to Boboiboy using her power watch. "Ochobot said that it's at the museum. It's quite near the bank," He told her. "Lia and Gopal are on their way there now. Sorry I couldn't join, this stomach ache is killing me."

Fang sighed, "Aish. What did you even eat, Boi?" Boboiboy scratched his nape, "Uhm... Heheh, a little bit of everything... Anyway, go now. I'll be expecting reports later on. Boboiboy out." His hologram diminished, then Leizel looked down and spotted the museum. "Over there." She pointed.

Fang maneuvered his eagle to descend to the ground, landing right in front of the museum. At the same time, Lia and Gopal arrived, riding in one motorcycle. The four of them got off from their rides.

"Where's Ying and Yaya?" Lia asked. Leizel sighed, "Asleep. We didn't want to bother them anymore- we just got lucky that most of us are still awake at this time."

"Aiyoyo, I don't like the sound of this." Gopal sulked. Fang lowly grunted, "Let's just get this over with. We can't afford to lose this power sphere." And they all made their way inside.

Gembara, a time-traveling villain from how many years in the future, has just arrived inside a museum. He was wearing a technologically advanced suit that allowed him to generate a tracker that can track down everything everywhere.

He was able to sneak past the guards and defeat them to prevent them from ruining his mission. "Now, where are you, dear TimeBot?" Based on his tracker, it said TimeBot is within the range. He followed the track that would lead him to the power sphere- to his delight, he saw a sphere hiding in the shadows by an artifact. He can see the sphere due to its shiny appearance.

He slowly shifted toward it; TimeBot noticed that the villain found his exact spot which made it frightened. He whimpered with his hands shielding his eyes, "N-No... Don't get me, please."

"Whatever! I didn't go back in time to fail, I came to succeed. With your power, my powers can be fully restored. Don't worry, I won't be draining all of your powers." With a smirk, he was about to reach for TimeBot but he was suddenly attacked by a shadow hand plowing him straight to the wall.

"Looks like you weren't taught to keep your filthy hands-off things that's not yours." It was Fang- he was standing at the balcony railing along with the others- Leizel, Lia, and Gopal. "Perhaps we should teach you a lesson," Leizel added on firmly.

Gembara regained his balance; he slightly widened his eyes but smirked afterward, "Look what we have here... I know you guys, you're Team Boboiboy... But wait, where is the man himself?" He also noticed the incompleteness and a new face- Lia.

"I see a new face and... how incomplete you guys are! Where are the others?" Gopal sighed, "Dey, you chose the wrong time to come here! It's already 11 PM! Ying and Yaya are asleep while Boboiboy isn't feeling well that's why-"

Lia cleared her throat to stop Gopal from explaining; he returned a sheepish smile. She scoffed, turning back to Gembara, "You don't need to know that. What you need to know is that you won't be getting away with this!"

Gembara's suit summoned lasers on his shoulders then opened fire. Fang growled, "Move!" They all hopped off the railing to dodge the blasts. Gembara turned to one side and saw Fang heading to him, fused with his shadow tiger.

Using his power, he diminished himself to travel across the ground to appear behind Gembara, about to strike it. However, the villain was able to sense his presence so he fired his lasers against the shadow man, blasting him away.

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