Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

A/N: Quite long chapter.

The gang of Andres is currently at his room while Andres projected a picture of TAPOPS station. "Currently, that's where Ochobot, Boboiboy's power sphere is at. It usually goes with them for missions but based on the findings, the gang aren't there except for the power sphere and higher-ups."

"We should also get Sonobot back," Aisha suggested with narrowed eyes. "After all, she's done her part already in your plan. We have to get her back before she will turn against us."

"You know at some point, maybe that Sonobot already turned against us," Tristan replied to Aisha, irked at her presence. "But yeah, I guess I can agree with you... How will we do it?"

"We can attack the station again like we used to." Aisha proposed, making Krive'a sigh. "That act is so unvarying. No wonder your attacks there becomes a failure. You guys need a new plan!"

Aisha huffed in irritation then she crossed her arms. Andres ignored her reaction and turned to Krive'a, "Do you have a plan in mind?" Krive'a nodded with a grin then turned to Tristan who's smirking. "Leave it to us, master. We'll ensure the success of this one."


Back at the TAPOPS station, Ochobot is with the higher-ups in the meeting room. They are in a call with captain Kaizo, whose hologram is in display. He watches the higher-ups argue about the gang staying in the spaceship.

"With all due respect, Admiral, but should they stay like this? What if there won't be another mission?" Kaizo asked, confused on the decision of the higher-ups. KokoCi shook his head, "That's impossible. There will be another mission for them. It's just that we haven't seen a power sphere that needs to be retrieved."

Tarung nodded with his eyebrows furrowed, "Besides, they need to learn their lesson. Now that Sitan or Andres has the power sphere, they can easily track down Amato." Kaizo sighed in defeat, "Does Amato know he's being looked for? By his ex-best friend and son?"

"Maskmana knows, but we don't know if he already informed Amato. But I'm sure he will since they're always in touch." KokoCi replied, crossing his arms. "Well poor Boboiboy, the lad's been stressed out because of it," Kaizo remarked, pitying the elemental hero.

"That's not our problem now," Tarung replied, recalling how Boboiboy argued with them. "He should learn how to manage his stress and emotions; he can't just snap back at everyone like that...

Kaizo remained silent, he doesn't know what else he can say since the decision of the higher-ups are final. KokoCi cleared his throat, "Anyway, we're still trying to track down Andres, we don't know his plans now since we haven't heard from them."

"And what about the escape of Krive'a, Adudu, and Probe from prison? What about that? Have you contacted the higher-ups of their respective prisons?" Kaizo followed up. KokoCi nodded, "Yes. We found out that Andres has minions that were working in the prisons, one of them are even part of the higher-ups. He has a lot of connections now."

Kaizo facepalmed himself, not happy with the new, "Now that's one heck of an answer. Our father wishes to meet him to bring him to court trial, for all his inconveniences he has done."

"Alright then. But we have to find the Andres first," Tarung replied. "Does he know about Lia?" He followed up, much to Kaizo nodding, "My parents wish to meet her too, even our grandparents. I've told them about her good being."

After a few minutes of talking, the call ended. At the same time, the doors to the meeting room opened revealing an entering figure which surprised them all. "Maskmana?" There goes Admiral Maskmana.

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