Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The moment the plan came up, everyone sprang into action. KokoCi brought Yaya and Ying to Earth, while Leizel went to Kasuta with Ochobot opening a portal for her. She brought vehicles with her for transportation. Fang used his own spaceship to head to Brotora with Gopal, and Boboiboy, having borrowed another spaceship from TAPOPS, flew with Lia to Volcania. The power spheres- Ochobot and Sonobot will go with Ying and Yaya.

Boboiboy is driving the spaceship as Lia was sitting down behind him. He was quiet, and Lia knew why. "Are you okay?" She asked him worriedly. "Yeah, just... really stressed out about this. But I'll be okay." He coldly replied.

Lia was taken aback, Boboiboy never talked to her like this. She stood up and went to him, "Are you sure? You can talk to me." He sighed, "You should've let me go to Volcania alone. The others will be outnumbered once they go to the different planets."

"And let you handle Reverse alone? Boboiboy, we both know how powerful Reverse is. We went one-on-one on him respectively. If it wasn't for the others, we won't even be here right now." Lia reasoned out.

"And that's why I'm trying again. Reverse is my clone, my problem. I have to handle it." Boboiboy firmly told her. "Yeah, it's your problem, I get that. But you don't have to be alone in your battles. I'm here."

The man sighed in frustration, "You just don't get it, do you? What if something bad happens to our friends? To Leizel? She's the one going alone on this mission. The least you can do is be there for her- she's your best buddy."

"Look, I'm sorry about that." Lia sighed, "But don't accuse me of being a person who doesn't care about her friends." Boboiboy shrugged, "I didn't say that. You proposed that idea yourself."

"What's wrong with you? You're being helped out and you're acting like that! The least thing you can do is be grateful. Leizel insisted that she'd go alone. And everyone else knows how much Reverse is, especially to you. For sure they understand why I wanted to go with you." Lia retorted.

"Okay, thank you." Boboiboy nonchalantly said which made Lia frustrated. He then spoke up, "I want to end Reverse myself. And I'll do that even if it will cost my life." His remark made Lia soften her eyes, "So you're not thinking about the family who is waiting for you back at home?"

"If I don't end Reverse, he will-" Lia cuts him off, "That's what you're great at, huh? You'd do things that will cost your life. Think about your actions, what about atok? Every day he waits for you at home and you're out here, doing things because you feel it's right. Look,"

She cleared her throat then continued, "I'm not against the idea of your duties. Those are given you're a leader. I just want you to be careful. You can save the galaxy without mercilessly sacrificing yourself. It's a balance."

However, Boboiboy still didn't understand what was Lia trying to say. He scoffed as he turned to her, "What I'm doing is for the galaxy, and you're included there! If I didn't sacrifice myself before then we would've all died! I wouldn't be able to meet you if that's the case. And why are you nagging me about this?! You're not my girlfriend!" He turned back to the front to drive the ship.

Boboiboy's remark surprised Lia; it silenced her. He realized what he said then looked at her. He saw the sadness in her eyes, "Wait Lia, I'm..." He trailed off, losing the words he wants to say.

Lia, on the other hand, just gave a faint smile. "Yeah, you're right. I'm not your girlfriend. Why did I bother anyway? Sorry." She walked away from him, leaving him thinking about everything he just said.

The moment Leizel arrived at planet Kasuta, she was horrified to see the state of the planet. There were aliens drowning because of the flood created, there was lightning striking from the sky that ended up killing them. She made her vehicle fly avoid getting killed by lightning.

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