Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Lia is currently at Boboiboy's house having a talk with Tok Aba, "6 months, isn't it?" He asked her in which she nodded, "Yes atok. We're sorry that we didn't tell you guys about it. We wanted to keep it private at first."

"I was just surprised. I didn't even know he was courting you before. All I know that he likes you and that's it," He said, rubbing his forehead. "But I have no problem against what you have. Believe me, I'm happy. I never thought he'd actually get a girlfriend with all of his duties." He grinned at her.

Lia chuckled, "Well, things do change, atok. I'm really happy with him as well. He treats me well." Tok Aba did a fake sniffle, "Aiyoyo! My grandson is growing up! He took notes from me, for sure!"

Lia smiled at him; she was happy that Tok Aba approved their relationship. She knows how important is he in Boboiboy's life, since he was the one who mostly raised him.

"Say, does Nathalia know?" Lia gulped at the question, fiddling her fingers. "Uhm, not yet atok. I'm looking for the right time to tell her. But I'm sure she'll be okay with it, she even told me that young love happens."

Tok Aba nodded, "And it did happen to the two of you. That's great," He gave a thumbs up while grinning. "Take care of my grandson, okay? He can be stubborn sometimes. But don't worry, I'll stress it out to him that he should also take care of you."

Lia laughed, "He does that, atok. Don't worry, and I'll take care of him too." Tok Aba grinned then he gestured Lia for a hug in which she leaned over and gave him a hug. He hugged back.

Later on, Lia was walking back to their house. She was thinking on how to tell her mom about her relationship with Boboiboy. She wasn't planning on telling her dad yet, due to the fact that he's absent again.

She checked her watch, it was 10:40 AM. Her first class will start around 12:00 PM so she had to go to university already. She wasn't in the legal age to drive yet, and her mom is at work so she will be taking public transportation.

Meanwhile, Fang was at the haunted house training to enhance his powers. He was trying on the possible fusions he can add to his power moves. "How can I do the buffalo thing again? I don't have ArmoBot anymore..." He mumbled.

All of a sudden, Leizel entered the haunted house meeting up with Fang. "Hi." She greeted, waving to her boyfriend. But he didn't reply to her because he was thinking deeply on how to make his fusion.

She cleared her throat, "I said... HI!" Her loud voice startled Fang, making his eyes widened. "Ay, I didn't see you there." He walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek, "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. Sorry I'm late, I had to finish things at the university." Leizel apologized. Fang nodded, "It's alright. Sorry about earlier, I was just thinking on how to fuse with a shadow buffalo."

"The one you did back then? When we battled Retak'ka?" Leizel asked. "Yeah, I was able to do that with ArmoBot, but that was the last time I did that. I want to do it again just to add it on my power moves."

Leizel nodded as she strokes her chin, "Maybe you have to act like a buffalo." She playfully smirked then she started imitating the sound of a buffalo, shocking Fang. "What the... How did you do that? You sound weird, though."

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment," She rolled her eyes while giving a faint smirk. "By the way, I'll order some take out. I'm a bit lazy to prepare food. Do you want anything?" Fang shook his head, "I already ate. You go ahead."

Leizel exited the area, leaving Fang alone. As he was still trying on how to make the fusion possible, his device nearby suddenly rang. He went to it and answered the call, projecting Kaizo's hologram.

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