Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

A/N: Don't read if you know that you'll get triggered. Health first!

tw // anxiety attack

Everyone was at the meeting room as Kaizo was discussing something with them. He was discussing information about Andres. He projected pictures of the attack on GogoBugi then pointed out Andres' presence.

"He was there when the Tengkotak Gang attacked our planet. Our dad, his brother, was surprised to see that he was helping them. Our dad is a governor on our home planet. Initially, it was supposed to be given to Andres but their dad didn't see how committed he was so it ended up in our dad, which caused a lot."

"It all started with some sibling jealousy huh? Did he have to go that far?" Leizel asked, crossing her arms. "Well, for him it meant a lot. That's not all... Andres isn't his real name." Kaizo said, turning to all of them.

"His real name is Yoshi," The rest, especially Lia, was shocked at the sudden revelation. "He used Sitan when he formed Orangpina Jahat so that we won't be able to track him down. Then he used Andres when he went to Earth to cool himself down from everything that's happening. Eventually, he met your mom." Kaizo turned to Lia.

"Well, no wonder he didn't have any surname. Half of my life I thought de Vera belongs to him." She then turned to Tarung and KokoCi, who was also with them in the meeting room. "Admiral, we talked about Sitan before... Did you know he's Andres?"

Tarung shook his head, "That's negative, lance corporal. We didn't figure out if those two are the same person until now." Kaizo cleared his throat making Lia turn back to him, "I knew your father is Sitan. But I didn't want to break it to you that easily. Besides, before he became Sitan, he was still Yoshi when he attacked GogoBugi with the Tengkotak gang."

The sound heroine nodded, taking everything in. "I mean, I already started having suspicions before I went back here, then... this happened. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I should've connected the dots earlier."

"It's not your fault," Gopal assured her, patting her shoulder. "You didn't know, that's better than knowing it than hiding it from us." He earned a glare from Leizel, then he realized what he just said.

"Sorry." Gopal apologized, doing a peace sign. Boboiboy nudged Gopal, sighing at him. Then he spoke up, "Anyways... Do you have an idea of what he's on about? Why did he collect power spheres in exchange for money?"

"And why did he give Sonobot to Lia? Why did he allow her to give her powers?" Gopal asked. "Well, that's for Sonobot to answer. Where is she?" Lia turned to Fang and Kaizo, eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"At the power sphere vault. We'll ask her later, let's listen to captain first." Fang answered in which Lia nodded for approval. "Captain, did you know that Sonobot is actually OnseBot?"

Kaizo shook his head, "Negative. We've been looking for that power sphere for years because we knew Andres has it. Little did we know it has been under our roof for the whole time."

KokoCi went to the monitor then typed something, then a holographic blueprint was displayed. "The money garnered from the exchange is used for the construction of this... a quantum generator. It can warp the fabric of space-time and command a great power of a black hole."

The gang was all shocked, Andres' plan can destroy all of them. Lia observed the blueprint, then she realized. "I-I saw that blueprint... Before I came here, I was looking through my dad's stuff... I didn't realize it was that thing. Ugh!"

She then widened her eyes as she remembered seeing the fingerless glove and red fabric back in the Philippines, "No, no, no... I can't believe this...The chemical reagent... I was hallucinating him, the red masked guy, right? I think I know where it came from."

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