Ch. 7 || Time Trip

365 17 5

3rd person POV :

And with that promise in both their minds they contently cuddled up to oke another, "Arlo", "Yes Firefly?" He kissed the top of John's head, "Two things, first" he said sitting up slightly to meet Arlo face to face, "what's with the nickname?", Arlo gulped, in truth it was what he used to call John in the brief time they were 'friends' before he reversed time. So he gave John the truthful answer, "your eyes, if they were to glow, if you had an ability, they'd look like fireflies. I think they're really pretty" he laid a soft hand on the ravenets cheek, the boy blushing a light shade of pink in return for the compliment.

If there was one thing Arlo definitely remembered, it was John never really got compliments so they'd make him flustered whenever he did get one, he found it adorable. "O-okay, second, why did you not question my request, like, your the KING and I've never told you anything about this" Arlo muzzled his face forward into John's chest "because I said I'd do anything you ask of me, you obviously have a reason for wanting that so who am I to question it, hm?" He looked back up with a warm smile and John looked down to meet his crystal blue eyes, he scoffed a laugh and cupped Arlo's face with his hands, "maybe your not so bad"

For the next week at school Arlo did what he could at that moment, for example, lifting bans on things that were exclusive to specific tiers, or which excluded lower tiers, he stuck up and defended anyone getting picked on and regularly went on a patrol around the school trying to catch mid and high tiers doing anything bad to the lower tiers. In fact, it had become such a thing that in the following few weeks, lower and mid tiers came to him to report incidents so Arlo could punish the perpetrators, by the end of the month, only a few high tiers were making a fuss, and the rest of the school had learnt to verbally sort their issues, the school was effectively peaceful and tiers no longer held much relevancy in their day to day school life.

During that whole month he tried his best to stay as close to John as he could, earing lunch with him, inviting him on the patrol walks. He even went so far as to move classes to be in John's, despite it being a year or two lower, John's smarts had put him up a year in terms of education, though you wouldn't believe it from his current grades.

"Arlo, John, thankyou for being here today, this will be quick and wont take much time" Headmaster Vaughn explained, "oh no sir, it's fine really" Arlo stared at the smiling John, this little front he put up for the other teachers was more stiff but with Vaughn it was much more natural, 'cute...', "yes sir, like John sid, it really isnt a bother". "Glad to know boys. Firstly, a thankyou to you Arlo, the school had become a great deal safer for the weaker students and faculty members have gotten a well needed break", "your welcome sir, I'm trying my best" he glanced over to John who had a small smile on his face, "yes, well, secondly, John your grades are slipping, despite your previous grades the ones you have right now are... unfortunate to say the least, and so I have taken the initiative to pair you with Arlo for after school tutoring. I shall provide you with any necessary materials and transport if necessary but I do expect it to be done."

After a lengthy discussion on what was needed of Headmaster Vaughn, Arlo and John, the two boys were let free to go home, "Arlo", "yes firefly?", "why dont you stay at my house for a bit, just until mid-terms" John hadn't realised what he had just done inviting Arlo to go live with him for the next few months, Arlo on the other hand was going crazy, the thought of being able to live with John was like some fever dream to him, it was as if they were lovers




"John, do you want to be my boyfriend...?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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