Ch. 2 || A chance to change

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Arlo POV :

I opened my eyes to Blyke poking me, I glared at him and he backed away behind Isen who have him a look of betrayal. I got up and walked away from the two in silence, I could hear them asking each other things behind me. I could care less.

I headed straight to see the one person I cared about right now. John. I need to know where he is,
where I am in time,
If it's too late..

"JOHN!", I yelled at him speed walking up to him, "uh-huh!?" He said surprised and shaky, is he scared of me, "John, come here" I said some what friendly but keeping up my 'normal' deminor, he walked up to me stopping a few feet away, "Yes, Arlo?" He said calmly, so is this before I betrayed him?
It must be other wise he would of yelled at me, or atleast called me 'Asslo'
"John, are we freinds..?" I said kind of shyly turning my head to the side, my hands in my pockets. John just stared at me surprised before gigging at me, 'that's adorable-! Nope not now Arlo!' I hid my reddish face from him and waited for his answer. After a bit more giggling at me, he stopped and passed me a drink,
"Of course we are Arlo!" I looked at him, 'I made it.. I can fix it..!' John suddenly came closer to me aswell as the 2 others he was with,
"Are you okay Arlo?!" He said grabbing my shoulders, I put my hands to my face feeling a hot sensation running down, and then when I touched my face my fingers felt wet, 'was I really crying?' I laughed a bit and took his hand off my shoulders,
"Yes I'm fine John" I said and walked in the  opposite direction.

'Theres one last thing I need to check' I thought, continuing to wall away with my hands back in my pockets. I turn the corner and collapsed onto my knees, leaning against the wall, I was crying but not as much as I was freaking out, 'I actually made it back' I was so relieved that I could fix my mistakes and make everything right for once, 'the future I saw was horrible, I dont want it to end up like that again..'

I got up and ran to my dorm, hastily shutting the door behind me, I walked into my room and went up to my mirror, 'Okay.. let's see if my phisical condition stayed or not' I started undressing my top half until I was only in my shirt then took a deep breath, closing my eyes and unbutton my shirt. I take in a sharp breath as I feel it drop off of me onto the floor, 'It's off...' I hesitate, 'Do I really want to look.. are they all healed..?' I took another deep breath and opened my eyes staring at myself in the mirror, eyes wide and still.
It was all there, every blemish, scar, burn.


My chest had a tattoo on it, one I got just after leaving wellston, after I  realised something.. my arms were covered in scars and burns and my muscles were much more defined and strong, ' weird.. that wasn't listed as what would happen.. I'll take it I guess' i spun around to look at my back, a heart carved into my shoulder blade was a bright white scar and the long lines and stabs of other sharp weapons stood prominently against my skin.
I sighed, 'I cant let anyone see this or I'll get questioned, and how am I supposed to explain this!' I ran my finger along the heart shaped scar, 'at least I look cool' i smile slightly as I start dressing again, I smoothed out my uniform and left my dorm to return to school, 'only one period left, but may as well go see john' I shrugged and walked through the school gates back onto the school grounds.

I ran around for a bit trying to find John, 'I'm sure hes got a free period last'I thought finishing my search of the third floor, 'where is he-..' I looked at the stairs to the roof and internally punched myself, 'hes always on the roof, why didnt I go there first!' I ran up the stairs and opened the door and walked around a bit.
I found John curled up on the bench his blazer over him as he slept, 'he looks so peaceful..' I smiled and sat down on the floor next to him and stroked his hair, 'I need yo stay his best friend, to prevent all of... that...' I sighed and sat there stroking his hair, it was calming.. peaceful.. I much prefer this to that future.. "I'll protect you John" I slightly whispered, falling asleep, my hand on his hair and my other on his chest ...

Blessed || Jarlo || UnOrdinary AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin