Ch. 5 || Is he drunk!?

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3rd Person POV :

John just froze, Arlo was nuzzling the stunned boys shoulder as he hugged his waist tight, "A-are you drunk Arlo..?" John asked quietly, still in some state of shock, "Nope~ I just love you John" Arlo said happily against John's shoulder, "Stop saying that!" John raised his voice, which caused Arlo to recoil a bit, "Your clearly unwell, drunk, something! You've known me for a month, max, you cant just say that you love me when you've never taken the time to get to know me" John pushed out of Arlo's arms and stood in front of him, angry, "Get some spare clothes and a towel, your having a shower" John pointed to the closet in the corner.

Arlo had done what he was told to do and went to have a shower, 'it does feel nice..' he sighed as the luke warm water hit his skin, a relaxing pitter softly heard in the background of his thoughts. It only took Arlo ten or so minutes to get through a shower and dry off, getting into the clothes John lent him, "They're actually my size" he said happily confused, 'so john wears clothes to big for him sometimes, oh, that's adorable' Arlo chuckled to himself, knowing John would just look like a pissed off chuwawa in a dress if he was wearing oversized clothes.

He walked out of the bath room still giddy and saw John wasn't there, 'Where is he?' Arlo searched the entire top floor before concluding that he was downstairs, 'Just to be thorough, dont want a repeat of the attack on Sera..' he grimaced and made his way down stairs, "Arlo? I'm in the kitchen" John yelled out at him, Arlo, though he'd never say it, he needed to be near John at all times, ran over to the kitchen door to look in and find John, he'd been without John for less than 20 minutes and he was already getting nervous about the black haired boy. "John~ whatcha doing?~" Arlo said playfully as he hugged John from behind, "Ah-Ah, no!" John pushed arlo into a chair and off of him, "Something's obviously going on with you, so no touching until I know your better!" He said sternly, still refusing to belive that Arlo just confessed to him out of the blue, "Okay?" John said a bit softer, not wanting to come off as rude or too bossy, "Okay.." Arlo sighed defeated.

Arlo kicked the table leg as John cooked him some soup and sliced some bread, it only took a few minutes for it to be done and then John placed a hole of hot chicken soup infront of the tall blonde who was currently bored out of his mind, "eat, it'll make you feel better Arlo" John said sternly taking a sip of his soup and dipping in his bread. Arlo simply stared at John as he sluggishly ate his food, "hey John..?" Arlo said softly, "Yes Arlo?" The smaller male said as he looked up from his soup, "I lov-", "No, what have i been saying!?" John said angrily, "you don't love me Arlo, your sick, or drunk or drugged, any of those, your one" he went back to eating his soup just a bit more aggressively, Arlo pouted and ate his soup.

After a 20 or so minutes they finished with the soup and bread and moved over onto the sofa in the living room, "How are you feeling Arlo?" John asked looking away from the teen comedy movie they were watching, he looked at Arlo swaddled in blankets and covered in plushie hot water bottles, and who was also on the chair on the opposite side of the room, "I'm fine its lovely and warm in here~" John was freezing, his house heating has gone and it was going to be a day or two till he could get anymore, he gave all of his blankets to Arlo, "Gimme a blanket Arlo" John asked oh so nicely, Arlo just stuck his tongue out, "nopeee ~!" He then laughed and cuddled more into the blankets, "ARLO!" John got up and ran over to Arlo trying to take one of the blankets off of him, instead Arlo opened up the blankets and grabbed John into a hug covered in huge fluffy blankets, " I can keep you warm this way!" Arlo said happily laying his head on the younger males shoulder.

John was about to yell and argue with the clingy king but decided not to, he got the warmth he was after and it wasn't horrendous so he could deal with it, " If I get cold, it's your fault" John grumbled as he turned around in Arlos lap and put his head on Arlo shoulder this time, subsequently falling asleep in the taller man's embrace as the blonde king internally screamed at the smaller boy on his lap. This was the closest John had willingly let him get, he was ecstatic and curled up around the boy with more of the blanket, cuddling him more.

Arlo placed a soft kiss on John's forehead before curling up tightly around the smaller male and fell asleep softly, whispering praises and loving phrases into his ear.

"I love you, firefly~"

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