Ch. 4 || Wait.. what

495 17 24

3rd Person POV :

After a moment his lips connected to John's, pulling him in a bit more just so Arlo could deepen the kiss, both their eyes close as the kiss continues, every second feeling like forever. After a few seconds Arlo put his hand on John's thigh and squeezed it slightly, John gasped into the kiss and Arlo took it as his opportunity to put his tounge into John's mouth.

As he pushed his tounge into John's mouth he took the time to give him back his mango boba he asked for, using his tongue he pushed it as deep into John's mouth as he could and let the drink drop down his tongue into the black haired boy's throat, listening in satisfaction as he heard the younger swallow the boba, he withdrew his tounge a bit letting it explore John's mouth.

Just listening to the smaller dark haired man whine and pant into the kiss made Arlo hot and bothered, wanting to go further with John but holding back in such a public place, "Amlno (Arlo)" he heard John whimper, Arlo simply retracted from the kiss and laid his head in the crook of John's neck, "Hm?" He hummed back at a panting, black haired boy, "W-What was that..?~" he said still trying to catch his breath, trailing off at the end into a deep breath, Arlo planted a soft kiss on John's neck and placed his arms around the shorter's waist, "you asked John" he said softly, "I simply did what I was asked of".

After a while, Arlo brought his head up and moved away from John, picking up his coffee and quickly blowing on it to make sure it was cool, he took a few sips before looking over at the still stunned John, "Are you going to drink that" He motioned to the mango boba sitting alone infront of John's original seat, "Y-Yeah" john replied as best as he could scooting back over to his boba and picking it up.

They drank in silence, sharing the odd long lasting glance, it wasn't awkward like earlier, it was nice and comforting. Arlo made John feel oddly safe, he had no idea why, he just did. John felt so glad that they sat in the in the corner since he just watched Isen and Blyke leave the shop, and if they saw the scene that Arlo made earlier, he was sure Isen would have plastered it over every square inch of the school building, that would be the worst..

After an hour of small talk and Arlo leaving to order something, they neatened the table up and stood up to leave. As they were leaving Arlo passed by the counter to pick up a pretty big bag of stuff. He thanked the cashier and tipped his a bit extra then turned back to John, "We can go now" he said walking past John and opening the door for him, John hastily walked through not wanting to keep Arlo waiting, "Thanks, so" he began, "Your going home now, right?"

Arlo stepped outside to and stood next to John, "Where do you live?" The smaller man looked confused at the older blonde, then he clocked it, "YOU'RE NOT SLEEPING AT MY HOUSE!" John exclaimed at Arlo, he just laughed in response, "My house is too far from here and I can't get home, so, I kind of have to John" he said frettingly, scratching his neck, John looked at him frustrated then sighed, "Come on then" he said walking off in the direction of his house, the taller blonde's face lit up with excitement and he jogged up to John, he started walking next to John just admiring the smaller one.

As they walked together in the dimness of the dusk, streetlights starting to light up the paths and the desolate streets making everything quite and calm, they walked close, arms touching every few steps, "John.." Arlo said calm, alot calmer than usual, "Mhm?" John replied looking up at the taller one, "Do you even have a spare bed at the moment..?" The blonde asked shyly hoping that John said no, he watched as the darker haired man paused for a second before his face distorting into annoyance, "No.." John grimaces, "No, I don't.." he said walking faster, "Its fine John we can share, right?" Arlo asked, obviously wanting to sleep next to John and not on the sofa.

They arrived at John's house and he unlocked the door inviting Arlo in, "You can put your shoes there and your bags there" he pointed to their respective placed in the landing, it took Arlo a few minutes to put all his stuff down, "So, where are we sleeping?" The blonde asked the darker haired male curiously, "We?" John replied sourly, "upstairs second door on the left" he sighed resentfuly and led Arlo up the stairs. John opened the door to show Arlo his bedroom, " This is where.. we, are sleeping" Arlo walked in and plopped down on the bed, kicking off his shoes, "what are you doing?" John sighed walking closer to the blonde, "getting comfy" Arlo grabs johns waist and pulls him onto his lap, John helps and hits Arlo by accident, "what!?" He said looking back at Arlo, "why are you so touchy today!?", "cause I loveeee youu~" Arlo cooed into the younger man's ear.. "W-What..?" He said sheepishly

"I love you"

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