Ch. 7 ➖ Vampire

Start from the beginning

"Stop toying with me Jisoo. You don't know what I'm capable of." Lisa warned as they are now face to face.

Jisoo stepped a bit closer, taunting "And what are you capable of...Witch?" She prolonged the last word of her sentence, testing the waters a little bit, not pushing too much. Because it was true, Jisoo doesn't know what Lisa was capable of.

Lisa on the other hand was shocked to know that the person she was threatening knows of her secret.

Jisoo smirked at her once more and planned to return to what she was doing a moment ago, thinking that the conversation was over. But the moment she turned her back on Lisa, the girl raised her hand on her direction and sent out a powerful force giving Jisoo a severe headache.

The pain was so intense that Jisoo was already down on her knees, the veins in her head are on the verge of popping due to the pressure being inflicted on her. She was holding her screams in, knowing that Jennie is just a room away from them.

A loud bang was heard coming from the direction of the bathroom. Using the moment that Lisa lost her focus, Jisoo swiftly moved behind the witch.

"Don't move." Jisoo instructed as she held both of Lisa's shoulder, bringing pressure on the hold. She was mad, who can blame her? Lisa is lucky that she's part of the list of people Jisoo promised to protect, if not she would have easily snapped her neck this instant.

"Jen, are you okay?!" Jisoo shouted to check up on the girl where the distraction came from.

For a moment there was silence. "Yeah! My phone fell, sorry!" Jennie shouted from behind the wall.

The two, who was somehow in a heated battle sighed in relief.

"That was a pretty little trick you got there." Jisoo commented not removing her hold but easing up a little. "But you still can't inflict such pain if I'm not in your line of vision, can you?" Jisoo asked knowing the limitation the young witch have.

Lisa tried to remove the hold but failed as she was held in place. "Let me go!" She whispered forcefully.

The Vampire went closer, "It seems that I'm not the only one who doesn't know what you're capable of? You yourself don't know what a witch's full potential is." Jisoo whispered in her ear with the seductive low tone she have.

"I'm more powerful than you are." Lisa said confidently, restating what her Aunt taught her yesterday that it was a witch who created the first vampire.

Jisoo laughed at what she heard. "You could be, love. But in your state, I doubt it. You're a beginner, young witch. Master your craft first before facing any of my kind." Jisoo warned.

"I will fight you and any of your kind." Lisa spatted full of hate.

Jisoo once again laughed hysterically, "You? Fight a vampire? Just like what you are doing right now? Good luck with that, Lis."
Jisoo questioned the girl's belief, she found it ridiculous that this newbie had the audacity to say such things.

"I won't let you hurt any of my friends." Lisa snapped still trying to break free.

"Well, Lisa girl, I'm afraid you're fighting the wrong demon. Save your courage and your strength when we're fighting the real monsters that wants to hurt you and your friends." Jisoo loosened her grip on the girl. "In the meantime, don't let me regret saving you yesterday." She continued walking towards the window where her things were. As soon as she touched her things, the bathroom door open.

"Jisoo it's your turn." Jennie stepped out of the bathroom, handing Jisoo a fresh towel.

"Thanks, Jen." Jisoo smiled at Jen but when Jen looked the other way, Jisoo smirked at Lisa who was still dumbfounded by the realization that it was Jisoo's voice she heard that snapped her awake yesterday morning.

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