Finding The Nemeton

Start from the beginning

"Lydia? What can she do?" Argent asked confused.

"Uh, Lydia's got sort of a talent... She somehow ended up finding a couple of the bodies, without actually looking for them." I shrugged not sure how to explain it.

"What is she? Psychic?" Argent asked.

"She's something." Rory told him.

The Argents began unloading their supplies leaving Stiles stunned. "Whoa. I thought you guys were retired...?"

"Retired, yes. Defenseless? No." Argent said. "Make sure your phones on. If you hear from Scott, you let us know immediately."

"Yeah, I'm thinking that's gonna be kind of unlikely." Stiles glumly replied.

"Both of you, try to remember-- he's just doing what he thinks is right." Argent said looking at Allison and Stiles.

Someone walked into the doorway and spoke. "I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow, but... well..." he extended his claws. "I'm getting pretty good with these."

"So, what are we supposed to do then, because you're all looking at us like your about to put us in lockdown." I said gesturing to Argent, Allison, and Stiles.

"This is extremely dangerous Bella..." stiles trailed off.

"And fighting the twins wasn't?" I asked looking at him.

"And you got stabbed through the chest with..."

"But did I die though?" I cut him off. "Look I get it, we're all 15 years old and you want to protect us! But you can't, Taylor and I are wolfs for gods sake. So either arm Destiny with a gun and some ammo, or I'm going to make sure she has exactly what she needs to fight. And then we're going to go looking for ourselves."

"They will too." Rory told them.

"You three go with Rory and Stiles, try to get Lydia's help and go from there." Argent told us.

Stiles drove all of us to the house where he and Rory explained everything to Lydia, and she shook her head before she spoke. "I don't believe it. Scott can't really be with them. He can't be."

"You didn't see the look on his face, though. It was..." Stiles trailed off.

"Then, what can I do? I mean, I get that I'm some kind of, like, human Geiger-counter for death, but... I don't know how to turn it on and off yet. All I know is that she tried to kill me because of..." Lydia stopped as she began thinking of the interaction.

"Because of what?" I asked Lydia.

"Hey, Lydia-- what?" Rory asked looking at her.

"When she called me a Banshee, she was surprised by it. What if that's not why she tried to kill me?" Lydia realized.

"Then why did she?" Taylor asked.

"That's what we need to find out." Lydia nodded.

"School. That's what we do in the meantime," Destiny asked incredulously as we walked the halls before Lydia caught up with us.

"Aiden's still not texting me back." Lydia said making Rory and Stiles stop in their tracks, so she continued. "Okay, well, maybe we could just... We could go over there, and..." She trailed off making us all look at Stiles.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh, God." He muttered.

"Stiles. What is it now?" Taylor asked him.

"It's from Isaac. Jennifer, she t-...She has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all three, now." He replied breathlessly.

"There's still time." Destiny told him.

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