19 II Darling, your my world

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George kissed the top of Clay's nose, and the blond let out a giggle. "Your so beautiful," He smiled, lifting a hand to cup George's cheek in his hand.

George leaned into the touch and took Clay's hand, kissing it softly. "Your prettier." He smiled, and chuckled as Clay tried to fight him with a 'no, your more elegant.'

"I'm so glad your here." George said. Tears formed in his eyes once again. "I thought that you'd- I wish you would've told me, I would've-" A single tear fell from his eyes, before Clay took a hold of his face and kissed his tears.

"I shouldn't be such an idiot." He said. "I shouldn't of left you."

"I should've done more."

"I should've dealt with it properly."

"There's no way to do that. Your 15."

"So are you."

Clay and George locked eachother in their grip as if they were meeting for the first time in a hundred years, and if they said a single word they would slip away from one another. 

George took the risk. "I promise I'll help all I can."

Clay was taken aback by his words. "I promise I'll always be there to talk to. I promise I'll be better." He spoke so softly, that now tears seemed to make their way onto Clay.

George was the only one who could make him feel so vulnerable.

So, in that very moment, for the first time in a long time, he let out a sob and crashed into George's grip.

He couldn't stop crying, he sobbed he hiccuped, and hid his face on George's shoulder to stop, but he couldn't, he just couldn't.

And George was there the entire time, playing with his hair, shushing him, whispering words of encouragement. 'Your okay, your fine, its alright to cry', he would say, and would always make Clay cry even more.


Slowly, Clay started to get better.

Once he had a mirror, he saw that he had a scar that went through his left eye to his upper lip. George had commented that he thought Clay looked cool, and it made him feel better about it.

Karl had come back and he was just as anxious and terrified as Sapnap was. He asked a million questions, and every one of them made him want to curl up into a ball and cry. George and Sapnap had caught the memo and told him to stop asking the question, which he nodded with a small 'sorry'.

It made him feel even worse.

Phil, of all people, had been weirdly close to Clay ever since his fall. He came around everyday to see him and ask how he was doing. He started to look forward to meeting him and having a chat about whatnot.

One day, when he was to be discharged the next day, he said. "I don't wanna go back home."

What Phil said next, was something that he would never forget. "Actually- I've arranged it so you can stay at my place for a bit. If you'd like, you could bring Sapnap and Karl along to make yourself more comfortable, my sons always have guests around, it's not a problem. We've arranged a room for you, too. I went to go see your mother to ask about it, however she didn't answer the phone, I-"

"Your taking me in?" Clay couldn't believe the words that left his mouth.

"Well, yes." The doctor smiled, and Clay grinned wider then he ever thought possible.

"Really? So- So I won't have to go back to that.." He dug a hand through his hair. "Phil, there's no way..Thank you. I can't even express my thoughts in words, I-"

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