03 II Adventure awaits outside our door

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Clay stumbled into George's room a bright summer day. It was a few months since he had met George, and his hand had long since been healed. But that didn't stop him from coming to see his friend. What kind of a person would he be if he abandoned his friend?

"GEORGE!" He had startled the young boy, because he jumped in his bed and sat up slowly, looking at him with wide eyes. Clay nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head as the boy huffed in mock annoyance.

"Sorry-" He apologised, as he climbed onto the bed and came to sit beside George, his legs not reaching the floor just yet. But the blond knew that all would come with time, and soon he would be able to touch the floor and not look like an idiot.

"I have a surprise!" He said, holding his hands up in the air in fists.

George looked at him and tipped his head. "Surprise?"

Clay nodded and jumped off the bed, running out of the room and coming back with a nurse and a wheelchair. "We can go exploring now!"

George's face lit up in hope as the nurse nodded. It was easy to put George in the wheelchair, and the nurse talked endlessly about where they could go and what they could do. She said that they couldn't go outside- Clay wouldn't lie, he was half listening to what she was saying. His mind was in the hills, his feet itched to be outside this room, and all he wanted to do was start the adventure.

"Do you understand?" The nurse finished. Finally. Clay nodded and took ahold of the wheelchair, pushing George out of the room.

A fresh breeze fell on his face, and he smiled. The nurse closed the door behind them, and they were ready to go. Clay pushed past hallways, corners, their first destination was his room. It wasn't that better than George's, but it was really bland. He hated when things were bland, it silenced imagination and creativity, putting it in a box and shipping it away, leaving you with- well, bland.

"This is my room!" He said, pushing open the doors and then going back to the brunette to push him inside. George's eyes shown as he looked around, soon turning back to Clay with a smile.

"It looks so much more brighter than mine!" He cheered, and Clay tipped his head side to side. "It's not all that good. My real room's better. I have posters, shelves- I have a shelf full of comics! I can show you one time, when you get better."

George grinned. "That would be lovely. I haven't read anything in ages.."

"Why didn't you say that before? My older sister's coming to visit today, I can tell her to bring some of them, and then we could read them here!" Clay proposed, staring down at his friend with a grin. George smiled back up at him and nodded once in approval. 

The day went on with the two stopping at corners and infront of doors, peaking inside the rooms or looking in the window's of patients. The two pulled up infront of a normal, plain door. Clay stood on his toes and looked into the room, George itching to know what he saw. 

So he asked. "what did you see?" He whispered, and Clay took some time to answer. He saw a boy, with fluffy brown hair, sighing as he finished scribbling in his multi-coloured book. 

"There's a kid in there." He began, furrowing his brows at the sigh. "He looks kinda sad."

"Let's go talk to him. Perhaps we can cheer him up?" George asked, and Clay nodded, pressing his hands against the door handle. 

"Wait!" George interuptted his movements, and the blond turned to look at the other. "What?" 

"You have to knock first." The blond rolled his eyes and knocked on the door, eyeing the brunette bordly as he did. The kid inside seemed to shuffle, and then he called a 'come in!' allowing Clay to open the door and push George in. 

"Oh....." The kid said, and his face lit up at the sight of the two friends. "Hi.." 

"Hi!" George greeted. "I'm sorry for barging in like that, we were just exploring the hospital." 

Clay furrowed his brows at the child in thought. He seemed so familiar yet he couldn't put a finger on why.

"Oh, it's fine! I haven't had any company in ages! That wasn't my family, or the doctors. I'm actually being discharged tomorrow, I'm so excited!" The child talked, and George laughed in response. 

"Lucky. What're you in for?" 

"I got something stuck in my ear and it got infected." The child reply, and Clay immediately realised who he was. 

"Oh! You're that kid! We heard about you in school." Clay answered, the memories of endless tears from the boy and chatting around the classroom coming back to him. 

The child grinned apologetically. "Yeah...sorry about that. Must've caused a ruckus. I'm Karl." 

George grinned and held out his hand to the fluffy brunette. "I'm George, that's Clay." 

Clay nodded, proud of his weird name, grinning at the sight of the boy. "What're you lot in for?" 

Clay and George shared a look and turned back to the boy. "Broken arm and illness." He waved his bandaged hand at him. 

Karl winced at the sight and turned back to George. "oof, I'm sorry about your illness." He replied. 

"Oh, Don't worry about me. The doctors are gonna make me better, then I can be just like any other ordinary kid." Karl smiled hopefully at him. His eyes reflected remorse for the young boy, and Clay couldn't help but feel his blood boil at the sight. Why was he piting him? He was just as ordinary as any other, never-mind illness. 

But George didn't seem to mind, and instead, his eyes trailed to a book under the boy's covers and nodded towards it. "What's that?" 

Karl quickly shoved it under the covers and grinned awkwardly at the others. "uhh- nothing! Just some silly stories I wrote.." 

"Can we hear one?" George asked, and Karl looked surprised. 

"They're not that good.." He trailed off, but George just shook his head. 

"I disagree, I think they must be marvellous if you spend so much time on them." This made Karl grin, and he pulled out his book and turned the page. He read one of the stories he wrote, one about him being a time-traveler of sorts. 

Clay must say, he found the story quite enjoyable and itched to hear another one. But sadly, Karl closed the book and stared sadly down at it. "That was great!" He applauded. "Tell us more!" 

George nodded furiously, and Karl grinned in delight. He told them a total of 2 stories before the doctor had come and told them to 'get out'. George and Clay waved Karl a goodbye before exiting the room themselves. 


we are gonna be friends - the white stripes :   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTu5ltfX2dw

okay i'm doing the song thing :D
I wrote this in class 


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