05 II Flames linger around him

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Clay cautiously pushed open the doors of the hospital, a worried grin on his face. He followed a suited man as he opened the doors for himself, letting the blond slip through. He greeted the receptionist with a wave and a 'hullo', them doing the same just as they had done for the past two years, and he rushed towards the wooden door he cared way too much about.

He pushed open the door with a grin and looked towards the brunette boy sitting in the bed. George's gaze lifted off one of the books Clay had given him and opened his arms. Clay rushed to receive them, causing the brunette to weakly laugh.

"Hey Clay!" He smiled in greeting, the other mumbling a hullo. He parted in the other's arm, and the dirty-blond came to sit on the bed, his feet finally long enough to reach the floor.

"How're you doing?" Clay smiled, looking into the brunette's beautiful doe-like eyes.

George grinned. "It's been fine. I've been quite tired since they gave me the medicine, but one of your books cheered me up. Who knew the stars were so interesting? How was school?"

Clay took of his backpack and placed it on his lap, dragging his leg around it. "Eh- not much, really. If it makes it more interesting, I met Karl again."

George's eyes lit up as memory blinded his gaze. "Karl? How was he? it's been such a long time."

"He's fine, really. He looks no different. Perhaps a little taller, but, other then that, he's the same. He says he's fine." Clay informed, pulling out a textbook and putting it on his lap.

"Homework?" George asked.

Clay nodded. "Chemistry." He 'tsked.' "I hate learning about the elements."

"It's not that bad, I'm sure other things are worse."

"I suppose. I do really hate math."

"Oh, that's not what I mean!" The dirty-blond laughed.

"Show me your homework." Clay shuffled closer towards George and placed the textbook near him, pulling out his notebook and showing George what he had to do.

"That's easy." George asked, and quickly began telling Clay all he had to do. The dirty-blond's jaw dropped as he listened.

"What? How do you know?"

"Well, when you've spent all your life in the same room, you get quite bored and read whatever others bring, which just so happens to be chemistry books." The brunette grinned up at the blond.

"Your so smart. You'd beat all the smartest people in our grades." Clay mumbled as he quickly scribbled down George's words.

The brunette laughed into his hand. "Thank you. But I'm not that smart."

"Oh, you are." Clay said, as he finished his homework and turning to smile at George.

"Stop it." George rolled his eyes with a smile.

Clay smiled, putting the bag to the floor and laying down with his stomach on the bed, his hands falling over the other side. "I made a new friend today."

"Oh?" George was intrigued.

"'is name's Sapnap, that's what everyone calls him at-least."

"That's nice. What's he like?" George asked.

"He's nice- a class clown of sorts, he makes a lot of us laugh." Clay smiled, remembering the boy coming up to him and speaking of his name. "He asked about where I went off to after school. I talked about you. He says he wants to visit you, talk to you."

George grinned, looking up at the blond. "That sounds nice. Is he here?"

"No. I wanted to ask you first, not just come in with a stranger y'know." He smiled.

"I think it would be interesting for him to come. He sounds like a nice person."


The two boys entered the hospital, one with brown fiery eyes full of worry, while the other grinned and looked all the more excited. Clay glanced at Sapnap and frowned, nudging him. "Why the long face, sap?"

Sapnap snapped back at him, then smiled. "Sorry. I don't like hospitals."

The words strangely stung the boy, but he said nothing of sorts and tugged the ravenette's sleeve to follow. The two spoke no words, Clay's brows furrowing as they approached George's room.

With a sigh, he turned the doorknob and placed a smile on his face as he saw the brunette looking up from his book. Sapnap gazed into the hospital room as if he had just entered the magical land of mythical creatures.

Clay went to hug the shorter boy, and turned towards Sapnap when they pulled away. "That's Sapnap." He explained, gesturing to the other boy.

Sapnap's gaze landed on George and he let out his hand for the brunette to shake. George grinned at him as they shook hands, Clay settling on the bed next to the brunette.

"What's your name?" Sapnap asked with a smile.

"George." The other answered.

"Nice name. I've heard a lot about you, Clay won't shut up about you." George turned towards the blond, who threw his head up with pink tinted cheeks.

"Hey! Look at yourself." The blond stood up and cradled his cheeks. "Oh Karl, how are you doing today? Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Sapnap threw himself on Clay to make him shut up, the two boys pink cheeked and grinning, laughing at how chaotic this had all gotten in such a little time.

"You know Karl too?" George asked, intrigued.

"Oh, let me tell you!" Clay began, but Sapnap nudged him to the floor and began talking, or rather explaining, how he knew Karl and how he was most definitely not inlove with him.

"Yeah right." Clay whispered to George when he was done with his grand explanation.

Clay and Sapnap had found comfortable spots on George's bed and they began talking as if they were old friends meeting for the first time.

"Hey." Sapnap said suddenly, alerting his two comrades from their daydreaming states. "D'you go to school? Or are you just stuck here all the time?"

George shrugged. "Mostly stuck here all the time. Though sometimes they do bring books and tell me to read them. It's quite interesting really, how this whole thing works."

Sapnap nodded in understanding. "Lucky you don't have to go to real school. I hate my science class, there's this kid who really likes you, Clay, she goes on and on about you- it's annoying."

Clay was surprised by this. He didn't know someone liked him, let alone that much. "huh?" He answered, eager to hear what Sapnap had to say next.

"Yeah, she has three friends too. One of them just loves to sit with me. I have to do a project with her, aswell. Ugh, she's so-" Sapnap was struggling to find a word, but Clay and George knew exactly what he meant. 

"Nevermind them. They can't be on my mind before, during and after school, I'll go insane. So George, tell me about Clay." 

The rest of the conversation ended with fists of fury, laughter, and rosy cheeks. What a time to be alive?


I will wait for you - mumford and sons : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7KuNLHOA1w

"Where are you going, son?"


- twig  

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