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Caroline took a deep breath before she opened Jonas's first box. The emotions of packing everything up came back to her. It didn't overwhelm her as before, with Preston by her side. She could handle it.

"You okay?" Preston asked, putting a hand on her shoulder and leaning in to look into her eyes.

"This is a lot for me. I haven't looked at any of this since it was packed away." Caroline ripped off the tape, popping the top open. Jonas's scent hit her and she blinked back tears. She loved Preston, but Jonas was a huge part of her life. The man gave her the most amazing child.

"Take your time, baby. I know what he meant to you." Preston let her pull out the items one by one. She'd only kept the bare minimum. His clothes she'd donated except to make a couple of memory pillows for Liam and her. She pulled out a photo album and set it to the side. That wouldn't have anything in it, she didn't think. It was from their wedding. Preston opened it and she held her breath. "You make a beautiful bride." Caroline turned to see Preston wink and point at the picture of her in a white sundress with Jonas wearing a tux t-shirt.

"I hope to have a full wedding one day." She kept eye contact, letting him know what she wanted.

"You will." Preston closed the album and winked. Caroline continued pulling items out of the box. None of them made her think they would be where Jonas hid important information. She and Preston moved through the boxes until only one remained.

"I honestly don't know what those guys want. You said they aren't military anymore?"

"No. Clearly, they think Jonas is a liability. Who knows what happened except for those involved. Did you contact anyone you knew from before about all this?"

"No. I didn't keep in touch with any of the military wives. I didn't want a reminder of that life."

"Understandable. Here." Preston opened the last box and pulled out a stack of letters. "Should I let you look through this alone?"

"They aren't letters to me. They are something he brought with him before we married." Caroline opened one old envelope pulling out a stained piece of paper. She scanned it seeing it was between him and a Private Hendrix. "What do you think?" she asked, handing the paper to Preston. He scanned it and smiled.

"This might be something. Any others like this?"

"Let's take this box back to my house and we can go through everything."

"No, my house. I don't want those guys to see you come home with something that looks like you found information."

"Good idea. But we still need to get Liam." Caroline checked her watch seeing the time flown by as they were working through the boxes.

"When should he be back from the theme park?" Preston helped her stack the boxes neatly before picking up the stack of envelopes.

"Soon I think. I haven't gotten a text from Georgia yet." Caroline pulled out her phone to see if Georgia had sent her any messages. "Nothing. We can head to your house." Caroline felt a surge of nervousness course through her. She was going to Preston's home for the first time.

"All done." Preston dusted off his hands and took hers walking them out of the storage unit. Caroline put the locks back on it and pocketed the keys.

"Let's go," she said, smiling up at him. Preston pressed a kiss to her lips sending sparks flying. She leaned into his body pressing her tongue between his lips. He wrapped her up in his strong arms pressing her into the wall. She bounced and giggled kissing him back.

"We--- should--- get--- back--- to--- your---," Caroline tried to finish telling him they should go to his house but Preston beat her to it. He scooped her up rushing out to his truck. He dropped her into the passenger seat and practically dove into the driver's seat. Caroline didn't look at the speedometer as they raced through town. She would have liked to spend time seeing his house, but all her thoughts were on finally getting all of Preston to herself.

"Come on." Preston yanked her through the cab and picked her up bridal style. Caroline wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. She looked up to see a two-story house with blue siding and white trim. "Can you open the door?" he asked as they walked up the steps of the porch. Caroline leaned forward and opened the door.

"You don't lock your home?" she asked, glaring at him. Preston laughed and shook his head.

"I have all my locks connected to an app on my phone. I unlocked the door from the car." He pressed a kiss to her lips and walked in, kicking the door shut behind them. Caroline shook her head and held on as he walked her up the main staircase to the master bedroom. Navy blue walls met her eye with a dark wood king-sized bed with black sheets. Those made her laugh, why did men always go after black sheets? "Why are you laughing?"

"You have the typical black sheets." She kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. She wanted him in bed. Preston didn't disappoint. He laid her in bed not breaking the kiss, his hands finding the edge of her shirt.

"Caroline, I love you," Preston whispered, kissing down her neck. She paused and thought about it.

"I love you too." He grinned, capturing her lips in a searing kiss sending desire racing through her body. Caroline didn't want to wait any longer. She gripped the edge of Preston's shirt and pulled it over his head.

"Taking charge? Okay." Preston stepped back standing at the edge of the bed with a smirk on his lips. Caroline was not one to back down from a challenge. She slipped to the edge of the bed and reached for his pant button and zipper. With careful hands, she popped the button and slid the zipper down.

"Shoes," she ordered, pointing to his feet. Preston stepped out of the shoes and his socks, tossing them off to the side with his pants. Caroline took the moment to enjoy him in his boxers, his cock straining at the fabric. She hooked her fingers in the waistband and pulled them down excruciatingly slowly. The power she felt holding his desire in her hands made her giddy. His cock sprang into her palm when his boxers sank to the floor. Caroline licked her lips, she wanted to taste him. Wrapping her hand around the base of his thick pulsing cock she slipped the tip into her mouth. He tasted salty and masculine, everything she expected. Bobbing her head back and forth she sucked him deep. Opening her jaw she let him hit the back of her throat.

"Fuck, Caroline." Preston tangled his hands in her hair thrusting his hips. She let him fuck her face loving the moans coming from him. She suctioned her mouth feeling him jerk before warmth flooded her mouth. She swallowed the salty seed before pulling her mouth free. Preston's cock stood at attention not having gone down after his orgasm. "Get on the bed," he ordered, pointing to the bed. Caroline scrambled on the bed to obey. She hadn't thought a commanding man in bed turned her on, but Preston was different. Preston reached into the bedside table and pulled out a black length of silk. "Do you trust me?" he asked, holding it up for her to see.

"Yes." Preston kissed her hard before slipping the silk over her eyes and tying it so she couldn't see but it wasn't hurting her. Then she felt her hands being wrapped together and pushed over her head. When she tested the tie she found she couldn't lower her arms.

"You okay?" he asked in a whisper by her ear. She shivered and nodded. "Good, I am going to make sweet love to you." Preston nipped at her ear drawing a gasp from her lips.

Treasured by a Tiger (Mate Me Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now