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Caroline had a hunch who went through her sheds and she suspected Preston did, too. He'd asked her if she thought it was the military men who'd bothered her about Jonas. She didn't want it to be them. Why would they need to go through her shed? She told them his things were still packed away.

"You think it was the men who came to talk to you about Jonas?" Preston supplied and she nodded.

"I told you a little about them and that they'd given me conflicting information on Jonas's death. If it was them, then that makes me even more suspicious about their intentions. What could Jonas have on them to make them break into my storage sheds?"

"What did they tell you about Jonas's death?" Preston asked, sipping the cup of coffee she'd brought him.

"So the Army told me a roadside bomb had killed him. These two men, Major Reynolds and Lieutenant Peters, came the other day to me. Apparently, Jonas was involved in a secret operation and was captured. The enemy later killed him. These two men want to go through Jonas's things to see if he left behind any classified information. I don't know what to do about them." Caroline felt a tear slip down her face. She'd thought she was done with the military. They'd already given her so much grief trying to get financial help after Jonas died

"Did you ask them for their credentials?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No. I was too shocked by the information they'd given me. I told them earlier today they had to leave my library. The two have been hanging around my inn. I said they either needed to rent a room or leave the property." Preston squeezed her hand.

"So these two men, you think they were going through your storage sheds for Jonas's things?"

"It is possible, but I can't prove anything. They broke all the locks."

"Still, report this to Sherriff Ling. He needs to know someone is going around digging through your storage sheds."

"I will in the morning. It is late." She looked at her clock to see it was close to two am. She needed to get Liam in the morning.

"Do you feel safe here alone?" he asked, concern clear in his eyes for her safety.

"I don't." Caroline didn't want Preston to go home.

"Do you want me to stay on the couch?"

"Okay." Caroline didn't think she could have Preston in her bed and not have sex with him.

"Let me put the locks on your sheds, then I'll settle on the couch." He pressed a kiss to her lips and stood. Caroline watched him leave and cleaned up the coffee mugs. While he was gone, she set up sheets, a blanket, and a pillow for Preston to use for the night.

"All done," Preston announced, coming back into the house.

"Thank you again, Preston. You didn't have to do any of this for me."

"You are important to me Caroline, of course, I'm going to help you." He walked up to her, cupping her face, giving her a sweet kiss.

"Am I?" Caroline couldn't believe that she might be Preston's mate. She'd been Jonas's, didn't they only get one mate?

"You are. I'll be right out here if you need me." Caroline leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips before going to her bedroom. Shutting the door, Caroline went into her bathroom, turned on the shower, and cried. Everything was too much today. Preston evoked feelings she'd never felt for Jonas. Her sheds had been broken into and destroyed. Liam was going to kindergarten. Jonas's death might not have been the truth. Too many feelings were coursing through her body, and it was late. Caroline let herself wallow in her feelings for a bit before wiping her eyes, turning off the water, and getting ready for bed. The knowledge that Preston was out on her couch made it hard for her to sleep. She could hear him shifting on the couch, too. Caroline knew the couch was not comfortable to sleep on. It was a secondhand pick up when she moved. Too many thoughts were in her head. She needed comfort.

"Preston," she called, opening her door.


"Can you just sleep with me tonight? I need to be held."

"Yes." Preston appeared in her doorway, scooped her up, and carried her to the bed. He laid her down, then crawled in behind her. His warm chest pressed against her back, giving her the comfort she needed. Preston pressed a kiss on her nape, wrapping his arm around her waist. Caroline shivered with pleasure and snuggled into his arms.

"Good night, Caroline."

"Good night, Preston." Within minutes, she fell asleep.

When she awoke in the morning, Preston was gone and a crumpled piece of paper was left in his spot.

I had to get to an emergency at Georgia and Jordan's house. I'll come back later and we can talk about what you want to do about the military men. Don't forget to check your schedule for our next date. -Preston

She smiled at the note and checked her phone. It was ten, and she had several texts from Georgia.

G: Liam wants to know where you are.

G: Everything okay?

G: Caroline?

Caroline sent a response, letting Georgia know she'd overslept and would be out in an hour to get Liam to take him out to lunch. When she was dressed, she went out to the living room to see Preston had folded the sheet and blanket setting the pillow on top. A smile tugged at her lips. Last night had been the first time in a long while she'd slept clean through the night. Warmth filled her chest thinking about Preston and their date. He'd planned everything perfectly. For their next date, she wanted to plan it. She'd talk to Georgia about another day of watching Liam, but this time she wouldn't make him sleepover. An afternoon date with Preston would give her plenty of time to pick Liam up after and let him sleep in his own bed.

An hour later, she drove off to get her son. Pulling up to the house, Preston let Georgia and Jordan use; she marveled at it. The place was amazing. It had a wrap-around porch with a white-washed railing. The house had white siding and navy blue shutters. It was everything she wanted her home to look like.

"Mommy!" Liam yelled, racing down the porch steps out to her car. She got out and hugged him close.

"Sorry I overslept."

"It's okay Mommy." Liam clung to her.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" she asked, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I want Robbie's!" Liam answered by naming the local burger joint.

"Done. Let's get your stuff and say thank you to Aunt Georgia and Uncle Jordan." Caroline picked him up and carried him inside. She needed to hold him close.

"Georgia," she called, walking into the house. The inside was just as cute as the outside. It had the feel of a beach house.

"Coming," Georgia answered, coming out of the kitchen area.

"Thanks for watching Liam. I'm sorry I was so late. Do you think you can watch him the next time Preston and I go on a date? I promise it won't be overnight again." Georgia's eyes gleamed when she said she was late.

"Anything for you. How was it?"

"Wonderful, we went to a concert."

"When we go to lunch with Myra next week, you'll tell me more, right?" Georgia asked with a smirk on her lips.

"Yes, but nothing like that happened." Caroline didn't want her sister to think she'd slept with Preston.

"Oh? Now I am very curious."

"I'll see you later this week." Caroline took Liam's things from Jordan.

"Did you have a good time, Caroline?" he asked, giving her Liam's bag.

"It was a wonderful night. Thank you for watching Liam for me."

"Anything for family."

"Thanks again. Liam, let's go to lunch." Caroline gathered Liam, and they left to enjoy a long lunch together before she had to go to work.

Treasured by a Tiger (Mate Me Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now