Beomgyu looked at Aera's tear stained cheeks, her red and puffy eyes. he knew he would never forgive the person who would do such a thing to his new friend. he watched as a frown appeared on her face as the room went silent.

"when's your birthday?" she asked him.


"when is it?" she pulled out her phone.

"it's not for a while, march 13th." he laughed as she noted it. "i love the spring, it's my second favorite season-of course, after winter." he smiled as they looked at each other." "when's yours?"

"as much as i hate winter, i cant hate it too much. my birthday's in January." she nodded.

"that's next month!" he paused his footsteps and exclaimed. "do you have any plans?"

Aera's never really celebrated her birthday before. her ex usually forgot it and if he remembered, he'd buy her a late birthday gift. it never really crossed her mind to have a party-especially since she didn't have that many friends. she would love to have one, thinking about it.

"n-no, i don't think so. maybe I can plan something with my family."

"hmm." he hummed. "i noticed you keep note of your friends' birthdays. are birthday's important to you?"

"i only have you and Ji-na on there, besides my parents." she smiled. "i don't know, i just like them i guess."

a flashback appeared in her memory. her. alone. at the birthday party she threw where she invited almost 10 of her friends a few years ago, and nobody showed up. her parents had been out of town; this was before she knew Ji-na.

and so, she sat there with a lonesome cupcake in front of her. she watched the streamers slowly came off of the walls as if they'd given up on her too.

from that day forward, she vowed to make all of her closest friends feel special on their birthdays. it was their special day-the day when Aera felt least special.

"Bungeoppang!" Beomgyu smiled as he pointed to the sign outside of a restaurant door selling the hot fish breads. it was perfect for a cold, winter day like this. "c'mon!" he smiled as he grabbed Aera's wrist and pulled her into the convenience store. she laughed as he lead her in.

the sound of the jingle from the door made the store owner wave to them, receiving a slight bow from the two.

they stood and contemplated the flavors they wanted. Aera watched as Beomgyu reached for the chocolate filling-a less popular one.

"you don't like red bean?" she questioned, as she reached for that flavor.

"not at all, it's too chewy." he chuckled and offered to hold hers as they walked to the counter.

"paying together or separate?"

"together, please." Beomgyu said, as she hit his shoulder.

"what is wrong with you?" she insulted, as she grabbed her wallet from her pocket, but at that point, Beomgyu had already paid.

"have a nice day." Beomgyu said and smiled at the worker. they walked out the door, hearing the chime, as they sat on the bench outside of the store.

"why would you do that? i could've paid for myself." she rolled her eyes.

"you can buy the snack we eat next time we hang out." he took a bite of his chocolate one as they ate together in silence. "just shut up and eat." he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"well, thank you."

the light snow fell to the ground, piling on the grass, now covered in snow. Aera's cheeks and nose turned red from the cold. it was chilly, but not freezing-or else they wouldn't be taking a walk. the Bungeoppang warmed them up as they continued to eat.

from where they were sitting, they could see the stores across from them. couples, friends, groups of people walking and dancing together. Beomgyu smiled as he saw people making snow angels and drawing shapes in the snow.

Aera's eyes fell onto the smile on Beomgyu's face as he smiled at the beautiful view. she could tell just how much he loved the view. she watched snowflakes fall and melt as they touched his black hair. his chestnut hair. a small smile laid on her face, she had to admit that her new friend was really beautiful.

her eyes followed as Beomgyu wiped his hands and threw his wrapper in the trash can. as he began to walk, she laughed when he suddenly stopped and faced the snow on the ground. "what should i draw?"

"draw?" she questioned.

he smiled and crouched down, taking his gloves off to let his finger escape. his finger traced out the shape of a heart in the snow. he shivered at the feeling of the cold snow hitting his finger, placing it back in his glove. "you draw something."

"i'm okay." she smiled.

he pulled her arm as she crouched next to him. she succumbed and took her finger out of her mitten and drew something unrecognizable and jagged in the snow. she placed her mitten back on as Beomgyu moved his head around to try and tell what she drew.

"what is it?" he asked.

"a heart!" she exclaimed. "you can't tell?"

"Aera, you are a horrible artist." he joked as she pushed him in the snow, laughing and pretending to take offense.

"hey!" he stood up and wiped the snow from his coat. "it's not my fault your hearts look like circles!" he laughed as she ran, slowly being chased by the boy seeking revenge from being pushed in the snow by his new best friend. he watched as the string was intertwining them.

one thing kept running in his mind, a thought he was trying to avoid as she smiled, as she ran, as she laughed, as she talked. a thought he was avoiding because she just got her heart broken. a thought he would continue to avoid:

she was so beautiful.

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