Chapter Two: Amos

Start from the beginning

Agosti huffed a laugh when he saw Amos' expression at the state of his clothing. "Don't stress, it will wash off."

"I'm not in distress."

"Really? I couldn't tell by the way your face is practically caving in on itself at the sight of a stain." His grin was easy and cocksure, tugging at the single dimple indented into his left cheek. Amos quickly peered around the pitch, over round tops of the green hills to the distant courtyard. He couldn't see a single black uniform in sight, or even a villager or servant. He took hold of Agosti's chin and lifted it so that he could fully meet his dark gaze. The sunless sky cast a grey light on his tawny skin and pitch dark eyes. Agosti furrowed his thick brows at him as understanding crossed his face. When Amos leaned down to brush his lips with his, Agosti reciprocated immediately, reaching up to hold the other's shoulder. It was easy, distant, close mouthed. It was only convenient, as it was the type of kiss he could shove away from quickly if they were caught out in the open like this. He knew that his parents' title and good will with Truinstra would keep him in school no matter what compromising position he was caught in, but he couldn't say the same for Agosti. He wasn't that much of a monster.

"Stains." Amos murmured against his lips.

Agosti opened his eyes and squinted at him. "What?"

"Stains. You said that I was distressed by a 'stain', however your clothing has multiple stains. It's plural."

He snorted and shoved Amos back, causing a laugh to rip from the taller boy's throat. "You're an irritating fool." Agosti said, calling over his shoulder as he turned away from him. "My father's estate is only a short walk from the Dolomitic Mountains. My mother, Elisabetta, and I hike there quite a bit. I'd love to see an attempt at hiking of yours on the mountain."

"Perhaps I would be able to if you let me and Nate visit your estate." Amos pointed out to him, causing Agosti to look back at him with a frown. He sighed.

"Are we going to have this argument again?" He asked, dryly.

"Yes, we are. Your mother is a musician, Agosti, and a very good one. Nate has repeatedly requested to come to your estate and train with your mother so he can potentially have an apprenticeship under her. You know his situation isn't...ideal." Unideal was an understatement, Nate's family back in London were sleeping on hills of dirt on the floor. The only reason Nate was even attending Tuinstra was because a nobleman owed a debt to his father. Nate had no wealth, no reputation, no title. He was nothingness, and after Tuinstra he'd have nowhere to get up off of his feet. It angered him that Agosti made such flimsy excuses as to keep him from a career.

Agosti rubbed the two, close moles on his temple, a habit he practiced when he got a particular type of vexed. With most people, annoyance was a sign of their patience being tested, stretched thin until it eventually snapped. With Agosti, it was an indication of his guard being drawn. The boy was a stubborn, principled bastard, much to the chagrin of Amos. "I've already discussed this with you," He fingered at his dirty cuffs as he walked away from the taller boy. "My father has a nasty temperament and I wish to not expose either of you to it. That stands even now, as he is going on tour next year."

"If your father is going on tour next year, that gives us even more of an opportunity," He jogged after Agosti, skirting at his side. "Even if you don't like me, Nate is your friend too. I don't understand how you can be so selfish."

"Selfish?" He gave a harsh laugh. "I am selfish for not wanting to expose you to my father's erratic and violent behaviors? And if you are so concerned about Nate's career, my mother would not be the person to apprentice under. I will not deny that my mother is brilliant, but she also has the unfortunate privilege of being both Punjabi and a woman. The one option she has to get her work out in the world is to sell it to much more famous, much less talented European male composers who will barely credit her if at all. Audiences and the press will not take Nate seriously if he was trained by a no-name Eastern bride of a disgraced heir turned actor. Brilliance be damned."

TUINSTRA: or The Chronicles of Schoolboys and Their Infallible DeedsWhere stories live. Discover now