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Welcome to the Contests & Challenges Book of QuickFantasy!

As the book name suggests, you will find all the Contests and Challenges held by our profile here. So get ready to be part of this fantastic ride with us!

Taking part in the contest is not only for completing the challenges but also for practice your writing and most importantly, to have fun!

All entries will be judged by our team. Each contest will have its individual prompts, guidelines and prizes. Make sure you check them before participating whenever we publish a new contest.

You can use the prompts to write stories anytime you wish to of any genres! However, please remember that only the entries which follow all the criteria and are submitted within the given deadline will qualify to participate in the said contest and be judged by the Quickfantasy Team.

Lastly, add this book to your library if you want to get notified every time we publish a new contest. This is not mandatory, but it will help you to know about our current and ongoing contests!

Best wishes,
your Quickfantasy Team

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