Level 3: The AudoSphere Experience

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The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Allope woke up to the television still playing the same channel. Odd, because she seemed to recall turning it off right before she fell sleep. Still in her little cuffed-at-the-bottom jeans and brother's baggy hand-me-down blue jacket with yellow, red, and cyan compliments, she headed toward the kitchen where there seemed to be the most life. Dancing across the kitchen in preparation for tomorrow, her mother passed by Allope without much notice while putting away a carton of eggs. Something seemed different about her mother; she seemed happy, but more like the cheap sitcom brand of 'happy'.

"Hi, Momma!" Allope interrupted while folding her thumb into her palm and swinging it down from her forehead. This finally broke her attention.

"Oh, hello Allope," she made the same motion, "How was your night out, sweetheart?"

Allope, in her excitement, wasn't sure where to begin with her long night of new discoveries. She could have talked about the awesome movie-like game she played, the friends she made and lost, or her brand new Spinby that she broke, but really the most important answer seemed to be the metal box. Besides the vivid dreams of the uncanny, doll-like men mocking her constantly, the taunting presence of the mysterious crate and its many possibilities haunted her brain like a ghost in a mansion. "It was good-yeah," was the most she could muster out, feeling very greedy with the unique discoveries that she and her small group had found together.

"That's great Allope. I'm very glad that you were able to go out and spend time with your brother and Rebecca. Did you make any friends along the way?" Her mother squatted down to her daughter's level and placed her hand on Allope's shoulder caringly.

"Yeah! I did, actually!" Allope exclaimed, "But... Oh! I don't think I got anything to track em' by. I don't know how I'm ever going to see them again"

Her mother looked at her while thinking hard with her bottom lip tucked in, "Hm... You know, Allope, I don't think that arcade is open on Black Friday, but as luck has it; some sales have been extended out to end in a week. I suppose I can drop you kids off this next weekend as an excuse to go Christmas shopping without you looking. And just maybe there's a good chance you can catch them there again, Allope. Sound good?"

Allope agreed, turning her attention toward the grocery bags on the floor. Curiosity overcame the best of Allope to snoop on what her mother got for tomorrow's dinner. In it were the usual groceries, but some brands seemed a little unfamiliar. At least the box for the cake mix and soup cans were both a new "the MAX" brand that Allope had never seen before. Looking a little closer at the design on both products, she saw an image of that freaky lookin' guy from Channel 4.

"Max?" she repeated to herself while making a fist with her thumb in between her ring and pinky finger, while making a "V" shaped gesture with it beneath her jawline. She didn't know if she liked this new face brought into her world, but thought even more about her deep fascination with the unlimited world of technology and that crate.

It hit again. That blasted crate was in Freddie's van! All of those promising secrets; so close, yet so far away at the same time. Impatiently jumping onto the floral couch by the front window, the van, and likely Freddie, were both ironically absent at this trying time. "SHOOT!" Allope exclaimed jumping back down,

"Allope, language!" her mother uselessly replied from the other room.

"Where's Freddie? Did he leave?" Allope hollered, standing in place.

Her mother stopped in her tracks and walked over to the kitchen doorway, "Yes! He was dropping Rebecca off to 'hang-out' with her friends. I also sent him off to the store again to pick up some things I forgot this morning. Why? Did you need something, dear?"

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