Chapter Twenty Five

Comenzar desde el principio

Damn it

i know you love me babe <33

What time should I pick you up?

is 7 good? i'll text you the address


I blushed deeply as I stared at my phone. Someone faked a cough and I looked up to see James staring at me with raised eyebrows. I felt my cheeks redden even more. James smiled at me then told me to sit down and wait for Freddie.

It felt like years later when Freddie finally came down in his all-black tuxedo. "I look so straight in this." He said disgustedly. "Hey!" Sam frowned at him, but was smiling. "At least I wouldn't look straight while being all over Blake all night." Freddie smirked. "Ew, ew, ew! Gross. I don't need to know all that." Sam said in disgust. Freddie laughed at his reaction.

I felt my phone vibrate.

i'm wearing a black dress
is that ok?
actually, it doesn't matter if it's okay because it's too late for me to change anyway

Yes, I'm wearing a black and white tux

can't wait to see that LMAO

Yeah, definitely not my thing

i bet you look great in it... bf

Don't you dare call me that in front of my family

why not?

I'll never hear the end of it

i wanna mess with you so badly though
wouldn't it be hilarious to see your brothers' faces when they hear that? LMFAO

Okay, gotta admit
It would be really funny

let's pretend to be dating then
i know sam would lose his mind JDSHSKSJK

Yeah, he would
Along with Freddie and James

i think i met freddie once like a year ago
he was picking sam up from school
but i've never met james
what's he like?

He's very sweet, cares a lot about his family, a bit protective since he's the eldest
He's a physics major in university
The rest you'll have to see for yourself... fake gf

aww, he sounds like a really good guy
and i can't wait to meet your family... fake bf

"Do you have something you wanna tell us, Danny?" Sam asked cheekily. James slapped him in the back of his head. "N-no." I stuttered and blushed embarrassedly. "Aww, leave him alone." Freddie said, "he has a little crush."

"I don't think there's a darker shade of red my face can turn into." I mumbled, hiding my face. They laughed at that and I chuckled along. "What are you kids laughing at?" Michael said as he came in, also in a tuxedo.

"Danny's bringing his crush to the dinner party." Sam said teasingly. Michael smiled warmly at me. "Is that so?" He asked. I hesitated. "Um..." I said shyly. "Aww." James cooed.

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