This had caught you off guard, his voice was intoxicating in a way you couldn't even understand in your own head.

"" You got off of him quickly and stumbled walking over to your kitchen.

"S-sorry about that.." You said, while you quickly grabbed your full trash bag. You cleared your throat as you slipped on your hoodie and shoes. "I'm going to take this out. You can put your stuff back on.."

You quickly walked outside, breathing in the fresh air. Batman really was in your house... You walked over to the trash can, taking deep breaths. 

You were hoping that he was gone before you got back, so you didn't do anymore stupid things. 

You threw the bag away and looked around. This is where he had fallen earlier... You walked farther into the alley, making sure the batman hadn't dropped anything during the fall. 

You heard footsteps approaching behind you and you quickly turned to see a man wearing a hoodie, with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey there, gorgeous. Aren't cha that girl that everyone's talking bout'?" He approached you.

You backed up. 

"I'm not anyone. Please leave me alone."

The man grinned, and slowly walked towards you till you ran into the back of the wall.

"Funny, because from where I'm standing, you look like the gal that penguin had in his club last night.." 

You could smell the alcohol on his breath, causing you to wrinkle your nose. 

"Your parents, they're the l/n's? The two who played gotham's crime lords for fools? Remind me your name again sweetheart... So I can scream it as I ruin your life.."

"Please- don't kill me- let me go--" You stuttered, trying to kick at him but he pinned you against the wall in response. He was bigger than you, there was no way you could escape. 

"Darling, I'm not taking your life...." He said as he ripped your jacket off, letting out a small chuckle.

You thrashed your body, trying to escape his grasp and began to cry.

"Help me! Someone! Batman-" You screamed as loud as you could before the man slammed his hand over your mouth as he tried to restrain and undress you.

"That fool who calls himself vengeance isn't coming. No one is. Because he doesn't care and nobody else does. Not even Bruce Wayne, lovely dress you had on tonight by the way.... You're mine now..."

                                                                   "I wouldn't be so sure." 

A low, ominous voice boomed from behind the man and you recognized the familiar shadow. Tears were streaming down your face as you felt hope ignite in you.

The bat pulled the man off you, slamming him into the wall, then grabbing him by his collar and shoving him again, this time to the ground. He jumped on the man, beginning to punch him rapidly, with the arms he had just so recently injured.

You were in shock. You couldn't feel your own hands or toes. Your attacker was knocked out, bloody, but batman still continued to beat him up. He was fueled by pure anger, but you found yourself not caring if your attacker were to die. You collapsed, still sobbing.

He stopped, at the sound of your cries, coming back to his senses and pulled out a small device and pressed a button.

"The police will come to pick him up....." He said, as he kneeled next to you, slowly picking you up and carrying you. 

He draped his cape over you to cover your slightly exposed body, placing the end of it in your hand.

All you could do was cry. You held onto him, hiding your face in his now metal covered chest, and holding tightly to his cape. You felt your body tremble. 

The batman walked with you towards your apartment and stepped inside, closing the door. He walked to your bedroom before gently laying you down and you slowly let go of his cape. He leaned and grabbed your blanket, pulling it up on you and covering you with it.

You sniffled, still not being able to find the words to talk.

You wondered if that's how he felt, and you wanted to know why.

"v-vengeance.. why do you call yourself that..." you mumbled, trying to distract yourself from the trauma you had just endured.

He stood next to your bed side and looked away.

"People close to me died. I defend the city they once loved. The city that took them away from me. And last year, I found out it was the city that corrupted them too.."

You hadn't ever heard him talk so much. "Didn't you feel like you wasted your time after finding that out?" You said, your voice shaking less, and your body beginning to feel calm.

He shook his head. 

"I had people like that too... but they were my parents and before they disappeared- gave custody of me to my grandparents... They got involved in things to protect my future, thats what my grandma said..... up until a day ago, I hadn't fully accepted the fact that they were or could be dead... And now... I'm starting to think they were more involved in things than I thought... penguin, and other people... they keep talking to me like I'm involved in whatever my parent's did..."

He listened to you intently. 

"Does anyone else know about this in your life?" He said in a soft, low voice.

You shook your head. "I don't like talking about it... but I can't keep running from it..."

He nodded. "I can look into it. I'll keep an eye on you in the meantime. It'll all be sorted out soon..."

His voice echoed throughout your room, and you heard the sirens and cops begin to approach the scene that had happened outside your house. The batman slowly began to walk away, towards your door. You stumbled up, throwing your blanket off and hugging him tightly.

"Please... stay... at least until the morning... I...Im scared to be alone." Your body began to tremble again and he slowly walked with you in his arms back to your bed helping you back in. 

He walked around and slowly sat up, laying next to you, his armor slightly catching on your bed covers. You shivered under the blanket, and scooted closer to him, grabbing onto his cape and laying right next to him, closing your eyes.

You felt so safe with him next to you.

"I-im sorry to keep you from your duties.." You muttered into his cape which you held to your face.

"You're more important."

Our Bond Of Vengeance (Batman X Reader) ~ 2022Where stories live. Discover now