The Injured Bat - 10

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Batman was outside of your apartment. You panicked, quickly slamming the blinds shut. You didn't know if you should attempt to help him or not, he wasn't moving. You paced back and forth in your "pjs."

"Should I help him? What if he recognizes me from when we---..."

While talking to yourself, you remembered the heated make out session you had with the bat after he had saved you. You shook your head. What if Bruce randomly decided to show up at your house and you dragged batman in to help him...

Bruce seemed to hate batman, so it's possible he would hate me to for letting him into my apartment.


You needed to help the batman, even if it meant losing some respect from Bruce.

You peeked out your blinds again.

He still hadn't moved.

You could hear a groan, and you closed the blinds.

All the cops were at the venue and probably wouldn't be able to get here in time. You threw on an oversized hoodie over your tanktop and just covering your pj boxers/legs.

You walked outside, quietly tip toeing over to the batman.

You felt your heart pound, glancing around. There was no one else. You had to help, you felt like you owed him at least this much...

As you approached his body,  you saw that his chestplate had several gunshots in it. The only part of his face he had showing had cut marks.

You shook your head breathing in a few deep breaths before you grabbed both of his arms and began to pull him into your apartment. He was almost impossible to move, his armor plus his muscle weight was huge.

You got him inside your door and quickly shut it.

You saw blood coming from one of the holes in his armor, you hoped the bullet hadn't gone all the way through, but you couldn't tell. You quickly slid him over to your couch and propped him up on it.

You looked at him more now. He had cuts showing through his ripped suit arms and legs... He didn't look good. You felt for a pulse, and he was definitely still alive.

You quickly ran over to your closet, pulling out a first aid kit. You thought about how Bruce had told you to stay inside, but he probably wouldn't have imagined batman being inside with you.

You took off your hoodie, breaking a sweat a little. You hoped the batman didn't regain consciousness while you were in your pjs, but you didnt have time to worry about that. He had already seen you topless, and you were at least wearing a tank-top now.

After turning on the lights and placing a lamp pointed towards his body so you could see---You slowly began to clean the face he had showing. You wanted to take off his mask, to see who he was... but you just couldn't bring yourself to.

After wiping the bloody cuts and disinfecting them, you put some bandages on his face to cover the wounds.

You looked down to his chest plate... noticing a small latch and taking it off. This was definitely a major invasion of privacy, but he was hurt- you had to.

You removed the armor and saw that he had a black shirt underneath, soaked with blood. The bullet had just grazed his skin, being caught by the armor before it had the chance to go into him.

You sighed of relief, he hadn't been shot so he should be a lot better off. You took in a deep breath before you began to slowly lift his shirt off, over his head.

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