Confirmation - 29

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The last night swirled in your mind, blurry but you could recollect every moment. After you received a ride from Gordon, you collapsed into your bed after removing the gun from your pocket and hiding it in your dresser. 

You buried your face into your pillow as your alarm went off. You kept thinking about the batman. About Bruce. 

You groaned, thinking about the striking similarities that you had chosen to ignore because well, the thought of.... Bruce Wayne, reclusive billionaire dressing up as a bat, fighting villains in the middle of the night... that just seemed impossible.

That eerie feeling that you kept getting, that something was up and you felt unsure... It was because of Bruce, and the batman. You needed to find out, maybe the batman truly just was aiding Bruce, and they weren't the same person.

You needed to talk to Bruce about it soon, but the chances of him showing up to work was very slim according to what the other employees said. 

You got up from bed, checking your phone before you got dressed. Bruce had yet to text or call you, signalling that his phone was still off for whatever reason.

You carefully put on your clothing, being weary of your aching wrists, a result of the night before. 

You looked in the mirror at yourself before you quickly grabbed your things and headed out to catch a taxi. You noticed the cop car was still parked outside of the apartments. 

On the way there you scrolled through the various articles produced by Gotham Gazette. 

How our exclusive interview led to romance

Published by Gotham Gazette, 

Written by Janette Jones. 

Reading that name made your blood boil. You had long since forgotten about the interaction you had with your ex boss, Miss Jones. You read through the article briefly, it was honestly embarassing. It was more like a love letter to Bruce Wayne than anything else. 

You sighed, as you got out of the taxi, after paying for the ride. When you walked through the doors of the building you noticed a strange buzz.

You walked to a group of people who were talking around one cubicle on the first floor. 

"What's all the excitement about?" You questioned, approaching the group.

One of the people looked at you and smiled wide. "Mr Wayne showed up in person today, and he's raised everyones hourly pay!" 

He was here. In the building. That eerie feeling began to build up in your chest again. You needed answers. 

"Oh, I see." You replied, turning to walk towards the elevator. 

You heard one of them mumble something about you looking familiar, followed by an exchange of words and your name.

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