Part I: This Is Home

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"I want to go home."

"You are home." She says, stating the obvious. 
And she's right. We're in our three bedroom flat, right at the corner of 16 Olusegun Obasanjo Avenue where the trucks that rumble by every morning wake us up before our alarms do. Our neighbours baby is crying and the kids downstairs are watching Ben 10, all familiar afternoon sounds.

This is our home. It's the only home I've ever known.

Still, I want to disagree with her. I want to tell her that being here makes me feel like peeling off my own skin. That everyday I find it harder and harder to breathe. That I can never shake off the feeling that I need to be somewhere else.
I don't tell her any of that. Instead, I say, "Yeah, true." And, somehow, that seems to satisfy her.

-Thomas Ogieva: 'Where I Am/Where I Need To Be'.

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