Chapter 21: The Final Fight

Start from the beginning

Aj: We gonna do it?

Clem: We're doing it

You all approach the herd

Clem: Okay. Follow my lead

You all join the herd following Clem

Clem: Stay behind the walkers. Use them as shields

Raider: Damn it, the horses!

Raider: Hey, get that fire under control!

Lilly: Get rid of these fucking walkers!

You hide behind some boxes on the pier

Clem: Come on, Willy

Willy and Tenn float down the river with the supplies

Raider: Supplies going overboard

Raider: Goddamn it! Someone get over there and see what's going on

Lilly: Stay sharp! We're under attack

One raider jumps over the boxes to go after the supplies

Clem: Okay, now's our chance

You all enter the water

Clem: We can't risk leaving cover. We'll have to crawl along the side of the dock

You all sneak along the edge of the dock

You: The guts are getting washed off

Clem peaks over the dock, but ducks as a raider approaches

Clem: Follow me. This way

You swim underwater, there are walkers at the bottom of the ocean. Aj and Clem climb up but a walker grabs your foot, it pulls you underneath. You kick the walker away and swim back up above the water

Unrealistic for me because I can't actually swim irl lol

Clem grabs your hand and pulls you up, she hugs you

Clem: Holy shit, are you okay?

You: Yeah, I'm good, as you would say to Aj, no bites

You all hide behind cover

Clem: Stay close. Stay hidden

You sneak past the searchlight

Clem: Come on, let's hurry. Ready, Aj?

You: Oh shit! Walkers!

Clem kills the walkers as your weapon is a revolver which would make too much noise. You all run inside the boat

Aj: We're getting close

Clem: After we find the boiler and place the bomb, we'll get our friends out

Clem: Minnie said they keep the prisoners on the second deck

Clem: Look out for guards and stay quiet, okay?

You: Understood

Clem: Good. I'll scout ahead and signal when it's clear. Got it?

You walk through a hallway and hide when a raider comes past. Clem opens a door at the end of the hallway, and you all enter the room. Clem moves forward, but hides when a raider enters

Raider: Hey, who's there?

Raider: Give me a damn city name! Step out here slowly

Clem: Rockingham!

Raider: Stop lurking around in the dark and get back to your post, asshole

You: I think this is the boiler room

Different pasts (Clem x Male Reader Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now