That's correct...

All of the information.

I can't believe he knows all this, but how?

Damon repeated while I was lost in my shock, "Impress me, Solain"

I took a deep breath calculating what I'm about to say.

Okay, here goes nothing.

"She likes teal because it reminds her of clear water. If she had a daughter her name would mean, clear grace. If she had the water element, she would use it to make lotus flowers grow more and longer"

Do you know how I told you I was shocked? Well, Damon is looking at me like I've grown, not two heads, but my head transformed into Medusa's. I'm starting to doubt if he actually turned into stone too.

He took two sharp steps back, still facing me, "So your name means pure grace?"

Annie means grace.

Katherine, aka my middle name, means pure.

"My real name", I held my head high, "Now if you could explain to me how-"

With no warning, Damon was in front of me holding his katanas in a crossed position, and my head was between both ends exactly like a chunk of clay between a pair of scissors.

"How the f*ck should I believe you?", he snarled at me, "I came here for your powers, so hand them over, or would you rather be slaughtered by Pitch. Your choice, snowflake"

My heart is racing even faster. He won't hurt me will he?


"Why...?", I whispered feeling the heaviness on my chest, and the lump at the bottom of my throat, "Why didn't you say anything?"

The sides of his mouth tesned as he took heavy uneven breathes gripping the katanas tightly.

I don't understand... I those years he could've said something, he could've gave us - gave me - a sign, but why he didn't?

"I told you I can't hand them over", now I'm trembling, "There has to be another way. If you know things, we can help each other. I don't know maybe-"

He clicked his tongue, "Work with you? Your powers are the reason I'm in this mess, and sure they will be the reason to get me out. Now I won't repeat again"


No, no, no, no!

"Please don't do this", tears brimmed the sides of my eyes, "You're not the villain, Damon", a hiccup escaped my mouth.

He closed his eyes as if trying to focus then opened again gritting his teeth, "Everyone thinks I'm the villain"

I sniffed feeling my shoulders shaking, "It doesn't matter what everyone thinks. If you truly know my mother, you know she won't believe you are a bad person. I don't believe you are"

"Don't...", he warned me. His eyes were on me, yet they seemed lost in his own head.

I continued regardless, "What people think about you doesn't mean you did it", I took one deep shakey breathe, "A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told"

I prepared myself for the impact the second he raised both of his katanas.

I flinched as both metals came into contact with the cement before hastily opening my eyes.

"I put out signs, but some people have to pretend you're a bad person, so they don't feel guilty about the things they blindly believe you did, Solain", he took out something from the pocket of his oversized hoodie, and dropped it letting it sway until it touched the floor.

Damon turned his back on me moving towards the exit of the alley, and he stopped right before disappearing behind the wall.

"And you're lucky I promised someone I wouldn't hurt you"

After he left, I sunk to the floor both relieved and shocked by what had happened while I started in the empty space he once stood in.

I don't know what or how to feel regarding him.

Maybe I'm relieved because he told me it wasn't him...

Maybe I'm relieved because he knew my mother...

Maybe I'm relieved because my feelings for him are no longer confusing. After all, I couldn't like him because he was the villain.

Or was it simply because of all of these...?

He kept the promise he made with Annie.

He kept the promise he made to me.

Does that mean he's worth my trust?


I stood up once again heading towards the exit before peaking to check if he was still there.

He wasn't.

Speaking of Annie, she's supposedly hiding behind the alleyway waiting for Lady Solain to get her back to her house.

Meaning my next stop is my house, and let's hope he keeps his promise and doesn't ambush me the second I enter and realize Annie and Solain are one person.

I took a sharp breath as I leaped from one building to another clutching the purple lilac flower he left.

This was the sign. This was him trying to say it wasn't me.

And I was completely blind about it.



What do you think?

So Damon and Lady Solain finally met, and things took an unexpected turn.

Damon claims he knows Annie's mother, Charlotte, famously known as Eira.

However, the question remains the same: Do you believe him or did he blackmail someone to get that information, so he could trick Solain? Should Annie believe him?

I mean so far she does, but do you think Damon believes that she's her daughter?

Does Damon know the real identity of Eira? How much does he know?

How does Damon know Eira in the first place, and how come Charlotte never told Annie about him?

Damon did keep his promise to Annie, but why? He could've easily harmed Solain and 'Annie wouldn't even know'. But then again, Solain was supposed to take Annie back to 'her house', and Annie would've known.

Did Damon purposely leave Lady Solain, so he could gain Annie's trust? But what would've he gained out of Annie?

One last question: Why does Damon want Solain's powers?

So many questions, and so few answers.

Let me know your theories or if you have other theories regarding other characters here!



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