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Ok so I am writing this story out of pure inspiration out of the blue. It most likely will be a short story. Its going to be kinda like a creepypasta, except this is my own. Now all credit is mine and if I did steal from anyone i truely did not mean to and i didn't know about you. So this is kinda an opener. And that song to the side -> i really thought it went with the story. Its Frankenstien and the Bride featured Haley Rose by BOTDF my all time fav band! Anyways enjoy :) 


"Leave me alone!" I shouted at my bully. She towered over me and glared at me. I'm pretty small for my age. I'm only about 4'11".

"Shut up you bitch." She pushed me into the lockers and i dropped my notebook. She was flanked by her friends and i was out numbered. "You little emo bitch. What do you think you were doing looking at Trent? You're not good enough for him." She spat in my face.

Right now they had me cornered in the hall during class. "Please don't hurt me." I was shaking, bad. It's bad enough I have an abusive father, I really don't think I can deal with this. She got up in my face and held up her hand with her claw like nails. She had an evil look on her face as she got closer to my face.

"What to do with you." She whispered lightly running her nails down my cheek.

"I won't do it again. Just please leave me alone." I whimpered. I'm so screwed if I come home beat up.

"You should've thought of that first." She slashed the left side of my face right on my eye. I let out an ear splitting scream and covered my bleeding eye. "Come on girls." The bitch and her sluts fled to class leaving me in the hallway on the floor crying.

"Miss. Parker! What happened?" My only and real friend is my english teacher.

"S-Stacy." I got out my face dripping with blood.

"All of you back to class!" Another teacher shouted as Mr. Hudson helped me to the nurse.

"We'll call an ambulance and inform your father." I nodded. He left me with the nurse panicing.

My dress was getting ruined. It was a light gray and tight from the waist up with short sleeves. Then it got loose and fell to the ground in a darker gray. It is the only nice piece of clothing i have left from my mother. It's all I've got and I wore the dress today because it was the last week of school till summer.

"They're here." I was led outside to an ambulance with parmedics waiiting. I was starting to feel dizzy and light headed. So what happened was all a blur till I woke up the znext morning.

"Come on your leaving." My father grumbled. He smelt of smoke and acohol. I pushed myself out of bed and fell to my knees on the floor. "Get up! You're useless!" My dad hissed at me and I got up stumbling. He will pay for my life. I will kill him. I will get revenge for mother.

"Get in the car." He stopped at the car and I got in slowly. He sped home, way over the limit and swerving from time to time. I thought we were gonna crash.

"There's laundry to do and food to be made." He pushed in the house and I tripped and fell. "You're useless!" He spit at me and kicked me in the stomach when I tried to get up. "HURRY UP! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" He screamed at me picking me up by my hair. I squeked with tears streaming down my face. He slapped me and pushed me down some stairs to the basement, which I then landed on a table. "Get to work on the laundry you slut!" He shouted slamming the door. My eye was bleeding again and i had gashes all over my arms and neck from the broken table. My arm was bent weirdly and my foot was scremaing in pain. I probably should've died.

"Stupid douche bag. I will get out of here and leave. And I won't come back. I'll kill you." I said to myself crying. There was blood pooling around me and i was starting to see spots. "I will kill you." I promised before slipping back into darkness.

I woke up days later. My arm was in a sling at the time and healed. I had stitches everywhere. My dad was no where in sight. I stayed in the hospital till my arm and foot was healed seeing my dad never came for me. Then I got a note.

'Hey slut. Your walking home. Im not picking up your useless ass anymore. When you get here you have loads of shit to do. So hurry up!' His signature was at the end and I was realesed that morning. I was wearing my ruined dress and had a black eyepatch over my eye. My black hair was brushed out and i had scars on every piece of skin showing. I had walked out of the hospital smiling.

I'm going to kill him. Tonight. When he's asleep. I walked home happily getting stares from everyone. I don't care though. I'm free. I was going to get a my life back. It will only take his life. I stopped in front of my house and it was dark out. It takes awhile to walk to my house. I live really far from the hospital. I walked in my house. I grabbed a huge knife from the kitchen and crept up the stairs. I stopped in the bathroom to look at my reflection.

Im missing something. I smiled and carved to lines from each end of my lips and it made a big smile. Blood was running down my neck and I let out a quiet laughter. I will kill him. Then her. Then everyone who ruined my life!

I walked into my dads room. He was passed out on the bed. "Wake up." I said soothingly. He stirred. "Wake up." I said right in his ear. He opened his eyes and screamed jumping off the bed. "You little bitch!" He shouted.

"Na uh. I have the knife and you are my bitch." I smiled at him and he looked at me oddly. I held up my knife. "It's no shame either." I laughed manically and I pounced on him lodging the knife in his heart. He screamed falling to the floor. "You have been a bad seed." I pulled out the knife staring proudly at the mess. I heard sirens in the distance and fled out the back door of the house. Towards a park. Towards a forest. To my new home.

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