I don't know. I don't know if I should say something about it. Maybe I should just ask him? But then, he has said that he doesn't want people to know that we're definitely back together.

Ugh, this is so annoying! I thought that once I knew that Harry wanted to be with me again everything would be fine, but somehow I've discovered some other source of drama. Why do I always do that? Pansy thinks that if I didn't have something to moan about, I'd have some kind of nervous breakdown and wouldn't be able to function. The girl may well have a point.

Tuesday 22nd June.

Dear Diary,

I can't believe that I'll be leaving Hogwarts in a couple of days! Oh, I'm getting all nostalgic. I keep walking around and thinking, 'oh, that's where I had my first kiss with Harry, that's where Pansy and I used to stash our alcohol, that's where Blaise's Hair-Growth Potion exploded in his face, giving him a very unattractive bushy beard...' I keep having to think about all the horrible, humiliating things that have happened here so that I don't get too upset. And Merlin knows, there have been enough of those.

I saw Luna earlier today. I was sitting by the lake with Pansy, who was teaching me how to apply eyeliner, when she wandered over. It was nice to see her, but I do wish that she hadn't been wearing blue feathers in her hair, or eating a packet of what turned out to be dried raspberries. "Hello," she said, sitting down beside us. "I've just accidentally pulled out a bunch of eyelashes. Now I have a bald patch, see?" She leaned in to show me.

"At least you're very fair," I said. "It doesn't really notice. It was a bit daft of you, though. I'll teach you a Hair-Growth Charm if you want, but it might not be very good. I did it to Vince after he burnt his eyebrows off in Potions once, but it went a bit wrong. He ended up with very thin eyebrows which were a good inch higher than they used to be. He looked like a potato with a surprised face drawn on it."

Luna burst out laughing hysterically. "Draco, you're so funny! He does look a bit like a potato!" I started laughing at her again. We are a very bad influence on each other, Luna and I. Poor Pansy looked like she was contemplating jumping into the lake to get away from us.

"Well, I know why you're in such a good mood," Luna said, once we'd both calmed down. "Ginny said you're back together with Harry. "He's been going around the castle with this big goofy grin on his face. He looks like he has a Wrackspurt infestation."

I decided against asking Luna what a Wrackspurt is. It sounds like one of the weird things that she believes in which blatantly doesn't exist. At least, I'm hoping it doesn't exist. I do not care for the word 'infestation' being used in association with my boyfriend. It makes me itchy. Pansy was desperately trying not to laugh. "Yes," I said, "Harry and I are back together. We're trying to keep a low profile right now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he wants to go public again."

She nodded sagely. "You and Harry are supposed to be together. Would you like a dried raspberry?"

I took one to be polite, which was a bit of an error. It was exceptionally tough and leathery, rather like chewing on an elderly man's earlobe. I should imagine. Ugh, wish I hadn't said that now; it conjures up disturbing mental images.

I think I'm going to miss Luna. Pansy thinks she's insane, but I love how she really doesn't care what people think. I wish I could be more like that. But then, I'm not sure that I'm ready to give up on having people think that I'm perfect just yet. Wow, it's at times like this that I realise what a bind popularity is.

Ooh, I've just got an owl from Harry. There's been a change of plan – we're now meeting in the Quidditch changing rooms rather than in the Room of Requirement. Apparently, Nearly Headless Nick was hanging around, acting a little too curious about where we were going. Ick. See, there's one reason to be grateful that we're leaving Hogwarts. No longer will I be tormented with the awful fear during sex that somewhere, somehow, a ghost is watching me. Nobody needs that shit.

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